DJs played “Changes” at a pro-government rally, where Tikhanovskaya came

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The candidate for the presidency of Belarus Svetlana Thanovskaya came to the Kievsky square, where the city authorities are holding an “Open Day of Additional Education Institutions”. The participants in this pro-government action greeted her with a thunderous ovation.

At one point, two young DJs turned on Viktor Tsoi’s song “Change, we are waiting for change”. At the same time, they raised their hands with white ribbons.

Belarusian journalists are worried that these young people will now be fired.

Earlier, the headquarters of Tikhanovskaya said that they had to cancel the rally in the Friendship of Peoples Park, since the authorities at the last moment decided to hold their event there. After that, Tikhanovskaya announced that she would go to Kievsky Square for a city event.

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