Diseases dangerous for getting out into the cold named

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Physician-therapist Nadezhda Chernyshova, in an interview with “Reedus”, told about what kind of diseases it is dangerous to go outside in cold weather.

According to the specialist, people with chronic pulmonary diseases, such as bronchial asthma, are at risk.

“There is even a separate form of bronchial asthma – cold asthma, when an attack occurs with a sharp and rapid inhalation of cold air,” the doctor said.

She noted that people who suffer from viral infections, COVID-19, flu and other colds should also avoid going outside in severe frosts. Chernyshova also warned that sudden changes in the weather always have a bad effect on people with cardiovascular diseases, in particular, with coronary heart disease. They should avoid heavy physical exertion and prolonged exposure to the cold, said the TV channel “360”.

The therapist also advised people who decided to plunge into the ice hole for the first time on Epiphany to be examined by a cardiologist beforehand, since a sharp immersion in ice water can lead to a heart attack.

Earlier forecasters spoke about a sharp cold snap in the regions of Central Russia, in particular, in Moscow and the region. In some areas, as noted by the TV channel “Zvezda”, the air temperature this week may drop to 27 degrees below zero.

Earlier on January 15, Ancha Baranova, professor at the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University, said that the effect of Epiphany bathing on the emergence of immunity to coronavirus has not been proven. According to her, in this regard, a decision on participation in such procedures should be made based on the state of health and readiness for such loads.

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