Didier Raoult files a complaint against Martin Hirsch

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Didier Raoult. – ISA HARSIN / SIPA

Clash of scientists. Professor Didier Raoult, head of the Institut Méditerranée-Infection in Marseille, lodged a complaint with the Paris prosecutor’s office for “slanderous denunciation” against the director of Paris hospitals (AP-HP) Martin Hirsch, who had accused him of “False testimony”, we learned Thursday from corroborating sources.

Heard before the commission of inquiry of the National Assembly on June 24, Didier Raoult, known for his defense of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment against the new coronavirus, had affirmed that the mortality in resuscitations of the public assistance of hospitals de Paris (AP-HP) was “43%”. “With us, it is 16%,” he added, relying on a report from the AP-HP crisis unit dated April 14.

“False testimony”

The director of the AP-HP, Martin Hirsch, had protested on June 26 against the statements of the Marseille researcher, in a letter to the President of the National Assembly in which he considered that the words of Didier Raoult “seem to be similar to false testimony ”. “Until now, it was a question of scientific controversies that have always existed, Professor Raoult has always accepted the controversies but here it goes beyond the scientific sphere”, told AFP Me Brice Grazzini, Didier’s lawyer Raoult, who confirms having filed a complaint on Wednesday.

Since the start of the epidemic, Didier Raoult’s defense of hydroxychloroquine has given rise to many controversies in the scientific world. “There, it’s different, my client risks five years imprisonment and a 75,000 euros fine,” added his advice. According to him, Martin Hirsch “accused Professor Raoult of false testimony under oath whereas he was based on statistics of the AP-HP”.

Martin Hirsch had confirmed the authenticity of this document but stressed that it dated from almost three months ago at the time of the hearing and was therefore obsolete. He added that at the time, according to the same document, about half of the patients hospitalized in intensive care were still admitted there, and that we therefore did not yet know the outcome of their illness (death or cure).

“There is no match”

“There is no match between the AP-HP and the AP-HM, Professor Raoult was just talking about a lack of resources, because we had anticipated things by testing more in Marseille than elsewhere” , underlined Me Grazzini.

At the beginning of July, Martin Hirsch assured that the mortality of patients with Covid-19 in the resuscitation services of the AP-HP is estimated between 25% and 35%, and not 43% as claimed by Didier Raoult. “My role is not to police the percentages, but if it is to (influence) the commission of inquiry on the basis of biased and partial data, it is my role to react promptly”, he declared. July 6 in front of the deputies.

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