Details of preparations for a coup in Belarus have become known

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The suspects in the preparation of the coup in Belarus planned to appropriate the property of the President of the country Alexander Lukashenko. The FSB operative footage was shown on Sunday on the Vesti Nedeli program on the Russia 1 channel.

They show footage of the arrest of a lawyer Yuri Zyankovich, a dual citizen of the United States and Belarus, and a Belarusian political scientist Alexander Feduta.

As follows from the TV report, the generals from among the suspects were called to the inn on the Garden Ring and placed in the VIP room. The conversation began at an empty table. Feduta and Zyankovich immediately announced that their goal was the murder of Lukashenka, the report says.

“Task number two is to block the internal troops, block the riot police. Task number three is to occupy several symbolic objects in the center of the city, including a radio station, a television, so that we can read out the appeal, ”Zyankovich’s words are quoted in the plot.

Feduta and Zyankovich brought a list of names of persons holding senior positions in the authorities of Belarus to the meeting at the restaurant. They were planned to be killed or taken to a concentration camp. “The acting prime minister automatically becomes the acting president, so he must be interned,” Feduta said.

The hackers have already obtained the necessary information about the officials, the journalist said behind the scenes.

At the meeting in Moscow, it was emphasized that the main goal at the beginning of the coup should have been the elimination of Lukashenka. At the end of the meeting, Zyankovich and Feduta suggested that the generals plunder and appropriate Lukashenka’s property, the correspondent says behind the scenes.

“I’m almost sure that our Sasha has a wallet somewhere with a reserve. You just have to take it, quietly, on occasion, ”said Zyankovich. He suggested that the money is located at the place of residence of the Belarusian leader in Ostroshitsky town. If found, the money will not be counted, he added.

The day before, Lukashenka spoke about the arrest of a group that was planning an attempt on the life of him and his children. According to him, the US special services are involved in this. At the same time, the FSB of Russia confirmed the arrest of Belarusian political scientist Alexander Feduta and lawyer Yuri Zyankovich, who are suspected of planning a military coup in Belarus and an attempt on the life of the President of Belarus.