Destruction of Azerbaijani helicopter announced in Armenia

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An Azerbaijani helicopter was destroyed by the air defense forces of Nagorno-Karabakh, the Armenian Defense Ministry reported on October 3.

“At about 15.50 (14.50 Moscow time), the air defense systems of the Karabakh Defense Army shot down an enemy helicopter,” the press secretary of the Armenian Defense Ministry Shushan Stepanyan wrote on Facebook.

According to Izvestia’s correspondent Denis Kulaga from the scene, an air raid siren is sounding again in the capital of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) Stepanakert.

Locals seek shelter in basements and bomb shelters.

Earlier that day, Azerbaijan said it had occupied new strongholds on the line of contact. Also, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic reported on the destruction of a significant amount of manpower and military equipment of Armenia. Yerevan did not confirm these data.

At the same time, the unrecognized NKR reported that during the escalation of the conflict, Azerbaijan lost more than 3,000 people and hundreds of pieces of equipment.

Another aggravation of the situation in the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic occurred on September 27 this year. Armenia and Azerbaijan blamed each other for shelling and killed among the military and civilians.

Armenia has repeatedly accused Turkey of participating in the battles on the side of Azerbaijan. Ankara and Baku deny this information, while the Turkish authorities expressed their readiness to provide assistance to the Azerbaijani side upon request.

Russia, France, the United States and the UN called on the parties to a ceasefire and a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

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