Deputy Turcan quoted the Criminal Code to the Bobeica flayers

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Regarding the decision of the mayor and council of the Bobeika commune of the Hincesti region in relation to homeless animals, I would like to note that the “solution” of the problems with homeless animals with the involvement of hunters, with the setting of trained dogs on homeless animals can be interpreted as preparatory steps to committing a crime clearly stated in the article 221 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova, noted Nikita Turcan.

The parliamentarian quoted the text of the article of the Criminal Code:

“Article 222/1. Cruelty to animals

(1) Cruelty to animals or torture which has caused their injury or death,

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of 500 to 750 conventional units, or unpaid work for the benefit of society from 100 to 180 hours, or imprisonment for a term of up to 1 year.

(2) the same acts committed:

a) in public places or in the presence of minors;

b) a person responsible for the care, protection and welfare of animals, training or the provision of veterinary care;

c) for sadistic motives

are punished with a fine in the amount of 750 to 1350 conventional units, or unpaid public labor from 180 to 240 hours, or imprisonment for a term of 1 to 3 years ”.

Further, the MP summarizes: “It seemed to me that in the 21st century there could be no such stories a priori, but alas … I believe that such decisions / actions are inhuman manifestations and contradict ethics and moral values ​​in relation to living beings.

I strongly recommend the Mayor and Council of Bobeica to reconsider the decision of 16/12/2020. And if you really want to do something useful for the village, neuter the animals and invite veterinarians for an examination. “

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