Dental SEO: Top 7 Simple Ways to Be Found in Google Search

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The advent of digital advertising has led to an increase in the number of professional dentists actively participating in online mediums and platforms to get the word out about their practice. Dental clinic websites and published content regarding oral health needs have doubled as well, making it harder for you to stand out amidst this stockpile of data.

Fortunately, Google has a good way to get around this plethora of information. With the use of their highly sophisticated algorithms, they sift through this mountain of websites and information and try to find the most query-relevant ones through their strict parameters and criteria.

These standards often revolve around website elements and content quality, which you can improve greatly through SEO techniques.

7 Simple SEO Tips

Catching Google’s attention is not as hard as you might think. For it to carefully pick out the most useful sites for netizen queries, it utilizes a criterion that revolves around the searcher’s experience. This means that the site that provides the most ease and convenience to its visitors in terms of website design, technicalities, and content relevance, is high on Google’s results list.

However, as a practicing dentist, you might be unfamiliar with how to achieve this for your clinic’s website, so you can always call experts in SEO services from Kitchener like Local SEO Search Inc. for help. And, while you’re at it, here are some SEO tips that you can try out:

Focus on User Experience

User experience is one of the main tenets of Google’s web crawling criteria. Similar to how customer service is in the physical world, Google also values the experience of netizens in virtual spaces.

If your site provides fast-loading time, easy appointments, swift responses, convenient navigation, and intuitive design, then you’ll be ranked higher than other clinic sites. Studies also show that most consumers and patients nowadays use their phones more when it comes to surfing the net.

This indicates that it’s important for you to optimize your site for mobile Android and Apple devices as well, to make sure that whatever device your website is displayed on it delivers the same level of high-quality user experience.

Efficient design is especially important if you offer services for people who need an emergency dentist in Sarnia. This allows you to respond faster and better to any patient in pain.

Invest in Website Technicalities

Experts like Local SEO Search Inc. will agree that there’s only 1 way to improve your clinic website’s provided user experience, you have to start with the basics. Those rudimentary factors all boil down to the tiniest technical aspects of your page.

From the Meta descriptions, image formats, internal links, and more, these overlooked elements play an important role in making your site more appealing and accommodating to patients.

So, when designing your dental clinic website, make sure to remember these upgrades and apply them. If you’re unsure of how to do this, call in experts in SEO services from Kitchener for premier advice.

Improve Page Speed

Another integral element of catching Google’s attention is by increasing your website’s speed or decreasing its loading time. Statistics show that more than 40% of netizens will exit a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to fully load its elements.

If your website has problems in this aspect, Google search engine algorithms will then penalize your clinic page and rank it lower in the SERPs. To prevent this from happening you have to invest in expert SEO services from Kitchener to improve your page’s speed.

These companies, like Local SEO Search Inc., will then use testing tools that can help them determine and grade your site speed. With this assessment, they’ll be able to better focus on the different technical aspects of your website that need improvement for it to load more efficiently.

Be Mobile-Friendly

Google Search

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

As mentioned earlier, a clinic website is more likely to get valued higher by Google if it’s more compatible with today’s various devices. You can upgrade your website’s compatibility settings, but it shouldn’t be a one-time investment.

Smartphone companies always provide new devices and updates, be it Android or Apple, and with that, you have to make sure that your website fits with their updates. Always remember that the more easy experience a page provides to netizens, the higher chances that they’ll be your dental clients.

Never Forget Proofreading

Articles and blogs are a staple in digital marketing. The easily digestible content allows you the versatility to talk about dental health and break down complicated dental hygiene concepts for patients. However, you have to be careful in monitoring the quality of content that you put out. It has to be grammatically correct and factually sound. Simple mistakes can turn off potential customers.

To achieve this, you have to practice regular proofreading or editing, which includes a thorough grammar, spelling, and plagiarism check. So, if you have a dental office in Oshawa, make sure to consult with expert content creators to evaluate your posts.

Build Strong Inbound Links with Citations

Credibility is a vital aspect of dental practice. It’s a factor that most patients consider most important as they try to check customer reviews and certifications. However, this can be difficult to show on your website as netizens may suggest that it’s been faked.

To do that in a digital or virtual setting, you may use inbound links with complete citations. These citations can lead to your published studies and journals, articles about your clinic’s achievements or listings in local trustworthy directories.

However, you have to make sure that these links are constantly updated to avoid any loading errors.

Be Strategic With Internal Linking

Internal linking is the act of redirecting your readers to another page on your site. It allows you to expand the space of your dental website and compartmentalize certain topics regarding your products and services.

However, a site that has too many internal links can be subject to faulty connections as the more loaded a website becomes the more prone it is to corruption. So, if you want to impress search engine algorithms and your potential clients, you have to carefully structure and plan out your inbound links so the site will be easier to navigate and understand.

Establishing your clinic’s Google presence may seem like a weird task for a dentist. However, you have to keep in mind that running a practice is not just about improving your patients’ lives and aiding them with their dental dilemmas; you also have to promote your clinic as well. And, if you want your practice to gain a steady stream of patients, you have to adapt to how the dental industry and market have evolved. You can only do that by practicing these tips.