Denmark proposes to build floating nuclear power plants for developing countries

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Ships will be able to transfer energy to the mainland

It is known that the electricity generated by nuclear power plants is quite cheap. But the construction of these power plants is costly, and developing countries, as a rule, do not have such funds. In addition, at such facilities, very strict safety measures must be observed in order to prevent accidents, but this requires highly qualified personnel, which is also in short supply.

Therefore, the engineers of the Danish company “Seaborg Technologies” suggested installing relatively small nuclear reactors on ships. They will be able to generate electricity and transfer it to shore. Successful experience of this kind is known: since December of last year, a similar vessel has been supplying electricity and heat to the northern Russian port of Pevek.

According to the authors of the idea, in five years, such a small nuclear power industry will be able to replace the use of hydrocarbons for generating electricity in developing countries, which will help protect the environment. It is assumed that floating nuclear power plants will be built at shipyards in South Korea.

According to the developers, the nuclear reactor is completely safe, because the project takes into account the possibility of the formation of a solid substance from a radioactive material in the event of an accident. Therefore, its dispersion in air or water will be excluded, writes The Guardian.

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