Czech footballer Panenka got into intensive care due to coronavirus

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Former Czechoslovak national team player Antonin Panenki was diagnosed with coronavirus. This was reported on the website of the Prague club “Bohemians 1905” on Wednesday, October 7.

The report says that the ex-football player was taken to intensive care and “connected to devices that support his vital functions.”

The club notes that they received information about Panenko’s health a few minutes before publication and so far cannot comment on it. “At the same time, we ask the media and the public to respect the privacy of Mr. Panenko and his family.”

Previously, he was confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus. Panenka is known as the author of the original execution of the penalty, sending the ball along a hanging trajectory in the center of the goal.

The footballer became famous for his excellent and long-term play in the national team of Czechoslovakia from 1973 to 1982, reports TASS. Panenke is now 71 years old, he is also known as the author of the original execution of the penalty, sending the ball along a hanging trajectory in the center of the goal in 1976, the newspaper “Sport-Express” notes.

Earlier, on October 3, the German football club Wolfsburg reported that his midfielder Renato Steffen had contracted the coronavirus. The 28-year-old Swiss observes a home regime. He did not participate in the match against Augsburg on 4 October.

According to the Worldometer International Bureau of Statistics, as of October 7, more than 36.2 million cases of coronavirus have been recorded in the world, over 1 million people have died, and more than 27.2 million patients have recovered.

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