“Cynicism is off the charts”: Lavrov announced the condition for the normalization of relations with the EU

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Any interaction, including between the Russian Federation and the EU, is possible only on an equal basis, taking into account the interests of each other, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

“European colleagues must clearly understand that any interaction is possible only on an honest, equal basis. We will not allow games with one goal,” he said in an interview with Kommersant.

Lavrov noted that there would be no one-sided “goodwill” gestures from Moscow. Meanwhile, Russia expects that “common sense in the Brussels structures and the capitals of the member states will still prevail,” the minister added.

The foreign minister said that Russian-European relations are in crisis, as the EU member states use any, even absurd, reasons to strengthen “containment” of Russia. According to him, a large-scale anti-Russian campaign is going on in the European press.

“In terms of the number of sanctions imposed on our citizens under far-fetched pretexts, the EU is second only to the Americans,” Lavrov stressed.

As the foreign minister said, Russia can “earn the right” to have normal relations with the EU, as it is told, only by changing its behavior.

“Cynicism, as they say, is off the charts,” the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Despite the introduction of “openly politicized rules” by the EU, the Russian Federation remains open with Brussels, which is an important trade and economic partner of Russia.

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