Curfew in Germany: what are the valid reasons for going out

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As you know, from December 16 to January 10 in the regions of Germany in which the incidence rate exceeds 50 per 100,000 population per week, a curfew was introduced from 21:00 to 5:00 in the morning. This raises many questions. What are the valid reasons for leaving the apartment.

Staying in public places is only permitted for very few reasons. According to the Ordinance on Protection against Coronavirus Infection, these include, along with returning from work and going to the store, emergency situations, including medical emergency treatment, as well as the exercise of custody rights. You can also leave home to care for people in need of help and to accompany the dying. Walking pets is also a good reason.

It is also planned to allow attending church services on Christmas days. However, this rule is governed by the federal states and may differ depending on the federal state. Permission to visit friends from another household, if the number of adults does not exceed 5 people, remains. Basically, on holidays, despite the relaxation of restrictions, the rule applies – avoid contacts and unnecessary travel. This rule will only be relaxed for the Christmas holidays. However, some lands have already announced that there will be no exemptions for Christmas.

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