CSKA coach Goncharenko spoke about protests in Belarus

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The head coach of the Moscow football club CSKA Viktor Goncharenko, who has Belarusian citizenship, spoke about the protests in the republic.

The specialist called what is happening in the country unacceptable, Pressball reports.

“I am strongly opposed to beating our peaceful, wonderful Belarusian people. The police, riot police and the army should protect the people, not beat them. I support the demand for an honest vote count in the elections, ”Goncharenko said.

The coach also said that he tried to vote in the presidential elections at the Belarusian Embassy in Moscow, but he failed, as the flow of people wishing to get to the polling station was too large.

“People stood for five, six, even seven hours! And in the end, they still didn’t get to the site, and I didn’t get there either. It seems that someone artificially restrained the queue so that not everyone would vote. Many people have not been able to cast their votes, ”Goncharenko said.

Earlier, on August 15, the director of the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant (Volat) Aleksey Rimashevsky admitted the defeat of Alexander Lukashenko in the presidential elections at a rally in front of the company’s employees.

Mass protests in Belarus began on August 9 after citizens refused to recognize the official election results. The people who took to the streets faced opposition from the security forces, there were injuries on both sides, one civilian was killed.

On Friday, the Central Election Commission of Belarus announced the final results of the presidential elections. 80.1% of voters voted for the incumbent head of state Alexander Lukashenko, 10.1% – for the opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya.

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