Covid-19 Live Updates: Good News for U.S. Vaccinations Arrives With a Caveat

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A resident of Somanath Senior Apartments received her first shot of the Moderna vaccine at a mobile vaccine clinic in Richmond, Va., on Tuesday.
Credit…Carlos Bernate for The New York Times

The Covid-19 vaccine rollout is gathering speed in the United States, despite continued difficulties, delays and confusion, and it got another boost when the Food and Drug Administration told the drugmaker Moderna that it could put four additional doses of the vaccine into each vial.

That solution, announced Friday, could increase the nation’s vaccine supply by as much as 20 percent.

The average number of shots administered daily has been increasing steadily since late December. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday reported more than two million new vaccinations, bringing the latest seven-day average to about 1.66 million a day, well above the Biden administration’s target of 1.5 million. About 35.8 million people have received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, and about 12.1 million of them have also received the second dose, according to the C.D.C.

On Thursday, the Biden administration announced it had secured enough vaccine doses to inoculate every American adult, with 200 million more doses of vaccine lined up by the end of summer. In total, that would be enough vaccine to cover 300 million people with tens of millions of doses to spare.

But President Biden’s announcement arrived with a caveat. Logistical hurdles most likely mean that many Americans will still not be vaccinated by the end of the summer.

“It was a big mess,” Mr. Biden said on Thursday, expressing frustration with the former administration. “It’s going to take time to fix, to be blunt with you.”

Moderna’s move to put more vaccine into its vials is also not yet a certainty. Federal officials want it to submit more data showing the switch would not compromise vaccine quality. But the continuing discussions are a hopeful sign that the nation’s supply could increase faster than expected, simply by allowing the company to load up to 14 doses in each vial instead of 10.

The limited supply has not been the only problem the Biden administration has faced as it pushes to accelerate vaccinations. Because of logistical hurdles, on Jan. 1 just a quarter of Covid-19 vaccine doses that had already been delivered across the United States had been used. By Friday, that figure had risen to 70 percent.

But many states remain plagued by shortages, as demand far outpaces supply and health care providers struggle to predict how many doses they might receive.

The United States is just one of many nations around the world racing to vaccinate its people before the new, more contagious virus variants become dominant.

The United Kingdom, where one such variant was discovered and has spread rapidly, was the first country to forgo keeping second doses of the vaccine on reserve, instead opting to administer as many first doses as quickly as possible.

On Friday, France’s top health authority said that one dose of vaccine, rather than two, would be sufficient for most people who have recovered from Covid-19. It appears to be the first nation to make such a determination.

According to a study posted online this month, which was not peer reviewed, researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York found that Covid survivors had far higher antibody levels after both the first and second doses of the vaccine and might need only one shot. But some scientists have urged caution, warning that more data was needed to prove that those antibodies could effectively stop the virus from replicating.

While wealthier countries have been able to make deals with drug manufacturers to secure enough vaccine to ensure their citizens can be vaccinated, poorer countries have not, leaving many unprotected — an imbalance that is expected to have global ripple effects.

The leaders of the World Health Organization and the United Nations agency for children, UNICEF, warned in a joint statement this week that the vast chasm of inequality in the global vaccine rollout would “cost lives and livelihoods, give the virus further opportunity to mutate and evade vaccines and will undermine a global economic recovery.”

Rebecca Halleck and

A traveler at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago this month. Passengers on international flights bound for the United States are required to show that they tested negative for the coronavirus.
Credit…Scott Olson/Getty Images

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Friday that it was not asking airlines to require Covid-19 tests for passengers on domestic flights, a policy that had been floated by President Biden’s transportation secretary but criticized as too onerous by airline executives, union officials and elected officials.

“At this time, C.D.C. is not recommending required point of departure testing for domestic travel,” the agency said in a statement, adding that it would “continue to review public health options for containing and mitigating spread of Covid-19 in the travel space.”

Proof of a negative test result is already required for passengers boarding international flights bound for the United States, under a policy the C.D.C. imposed last month as concern grew about more contagious coronavirus variants circulating in Britain, South Africa and elsewhere.

Last weekend, Pete Buttigieg, the transportation secretary, said that federal officials were having “an active conversation with the C.D.C. right now” about whether to require airline passengers to have a negative coronavirus test before boarding domestic flights as well.

“What I can tell you is, it’s going to be guided by data, by science, by medicine, and by the input of the people who are actually going to have to carry this out,” Mr. Buttigieg told “Axios on HBO” on Sunday.

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the C.D.C. director, said the next day that providing more coronavirus testing at places like airports could help to curb the spread of the virus by people who are contagious but do not know it because they lack obvious symptoms.

“There’s more gathering that happens in airports, and so, to the extent that we have available tests to be able to do testing, this would be yet another mitigation measure to try and decrease risk,” Dr. Walensky said.

Critics have argued that such a rule would be difficult to put into effect and could inflict more financial damage on an airline industry already reeling from the sharp drop in travel during the pandemic.

Sara Nelson, the president of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, told the House committee on transportation and infrastructure last week that the move could lead to airline bankruptcies.

In its statement on Friday, the C.D.C. reiterated its advice that people travel only for essential reasons. It also recommended that travelers take viral tests before and after travel, as well as self-quarantining for seven days even if test results are negative.

Earlier on Friday, a group of airline executives met virtually with President Biden’s coronavirus response coordinator, Jeffrey D. Zients.

Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, was later asked at a news briefing whether any conclusion had been reached at the meeting about whether to test all passengers ahead of flights.

Ms. Psaki said that would be done “through a policy process internally. But as I conveyed yesterday, reports that there is an intention to put in place new requirements, such as testing, are not accurate.”

A closed seafood market in Wuhan, China, on Tuesday. Scientists say China’s continued resistance to revealing information about the early days of the coronavirus outbreak makes it difficult for them to uncover important clues that could help stop future outbreaks.
Credit…Getty Images/Getty Images

Chinese scientists refused to share raw data that might bring the world closer to understanding the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, independent investigators for the W.H.O. said on Friday.

The investigators, who recently returned from a fact-finding trip to the Chinese city of Wuhan, said disagreements over patient records and other issues were so tense that they sometimes erupted into shouts among the typically mild-mannered scientists on both sides.

China’s continued resistance to revealing information about the early days of the coronavirus outbreak, the scientists say, makes it difficult for them to uncover important clues that could help stop future outbreaks of such dangerous diseases.

“If you are data focused, and if you are a professional,” said Thea Kølsen Fischer, a Danish epidemiologist on the team, then obtaining data is “like for a clinical doctor looking at the patient and seeing them by your own eyes.”

For 27 days in January and February, the team of 14 experts for the World Health Organization led the mission to trace the origins of the pandemic. Several said their Chinese counterparts were frustrated by the team’s persistent questioning and demands for data.

Chinese officials urged the W.H.O. team to embrace the government’s narrative about the source of the virus, including the unproven notion that it might have spread to China from abroad, according to several members of the team. The W.H.O. scientists responded that they would refrain from making judgments without data.

“It was my take on the entire mission that it was highly geopolitical,” Dr. Fischer said. “Everybody knows how much pressure there is on China to be open to an investigation and also how much blame there might be associated with this.”

In the end, the W.H.O. experts sought compromise, praising the Chinese government’s transparency, but pushing for more research about the early days of the outbreak in Wuhan in late 2019.

Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, Calif., postponed a conference planned for March.
Credit…Dean Musgrove/The Orange County Register, via Associated Press

An evangelical megachurch, under pressure from health officials, said on Friday that it had postponed an indoor conference that was expected to draw as many as 3,000 people from across the country to Southern California.

Grace Community Church had planned to host the Shepherds’ Conference from March 3 to 5 in Sun Valley, a neighborhood that officials say is among the areas hardest hit by the coronavirus in Los Angeles County.

A website for the conference, which was geared toward evangelical men, had pointed attendees to hotels and promised a full lineup of speakers in English, Russian and Spanish, as well as continental breakfast and lunch.

But the church reversed course after Los Angeles County officials warned that indoor conferences were prohibited and that the event could worsen the spread of the virus, endangering attendees and the surrounding community.

Los Angeles County had sued the church and its pastor, John MacArthur, last August after officials said he had opened the church and held a large indoor worship service with unmasked attendees, in violation of state and county rules.

“In light of our ongoing litigation and recent threats from the County of Los Angeles and the State of California, we have decided that the most prudent course of action at this time is to postpone the Shepherds’ Conference,” the church said in a statement.

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court partly lifted restrictions on religious services in California, blocking a total ban but leaving in place a 25 percent capacity restriction and a prohibition on singing and chanting. The ruling was a partial victory for churches that had argued that restrictions imposed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, violated the Constitution’s protection of the free exercise of religion.

Los Angeles County officials had said that the Shepherds’ Conference was not a religious service, but a prohibited indoor gathering.

Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri was one of multiple Republicans urging schools to resume in-person learning.
Credit…Brandon Bell for The New York Times

When Senate Republicans sought recently to wall off some federal education aid from schools that decline to reopen once teachers can be vaccinated, a top Democrat accused them of staging a “political show.” If it was, it was a show Republicans were more than happy to put on.

Sensing a potent political opportunity amid parental angst across the country, leading congressional Republicans have begun to hammer relentlessly on President Biden, Democrats and teachers’ unions to open schools quickly. They say doing so is a crucial and long overdue step to keep school-age Americans from falling too far behind during the pandemic.

But the effort to turn shuttered school buildings into a rallying cry is also a way for Republicans to appeal to suburban voters and women — two groups it has been hemorrhaging in the Trump era — as Mr. Biden and his administration struggle to keep their pledge to reopen schools within 100 days.

“It is a good issue because people care about it,” said Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri, the No. 4 Republican and the author of the budget provision, which was rejected on party lines.

Mr. Blunt was one of multiple Republicans, including Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader, speaking out on the Senate floor and in committees in recent days about the urgent need to return students to in-person learning.

Republicans argue that they have an advantage on the issue over Democrats, who are politically allied with unions representing teachers who have reservations about returning to school grounds while the pandemic persists.

Democrats contend that Republicans have only recently begun agitating for schools to be reopened and never put similar pressure on the Trump administration to do so, reluctant to undermine their own party’s president. And they say that a major reason that it has been so difficult for schools to return to normal is that former President Donald J. Trump did a poor job managing the virus crisis.

People visit an exhibition at the Hyacinthe Rigaud art museum in Perpignan, France, after the city’s mayor defied the national government and passed a decree allowing the city’s four museums to welcome visitors this week for the first time in over three months.
Credit…Alexandre Minguez/Reuters

Despite a rising clamor from museum directors, who begged the government to let them open their doors, museums in France have remained closed since Oct. 30.

That was until one mayor, from the city of Perpignan, in southern France, took action. Louis Aliot, Perpignan’s mayor, is a member of National Rally, the far-right political party associated more with a hard line on immigration than with support for the arts.

He became the unlikely champion of culture when he defied the national government and passed a decree allowing the city’s four museums to welcome visitors this week for the first time in over three months.

“Perpignan has suffered enough, and its inhabitants need this patch of blue sky,” Mr. Aliot said by email. “Don’t come and tell me it is more dangerous to go to a museum than a supermarket.”

He said the museums were following safety protocols, admitting one person per 100 square feet — the same standard as for most retail stores — and with masks required.

France’s government has challenged Mr. Aliot’s decree in the courts, but on Friday, Perpignan’s four museums remained open. The action has received some public support — an article in Le Monde called it a “great political coup” — and seems to have emboldened others.

On Friday, André Laignel, the socialist mayor of Issoudun, a town in the middle of the country, said he would reopen an art museum there on Saturday. And many at France’s cultural institutions agree it is time for museums to reopen, even if they disagree with Mr. Aliot’s renegade action.

Frédéric Jousset, a member of the Louvre’s board, said that the mayor’s decision was irresponsible, but added that it was a smart public relations move.

A root canal being performed in December in East Stroudsburg, Pa. Dental offices are operating in a markedly different way than they did before the pandemic.
Credit…Jonno Rattman for The New York Times

Without a doubt, dentistry is among the more intimate health professions. Patients must keep their mouths wide open as dentists and hygienists poke around inside with mirrors, scalers, probes and, until recently, drills.

But drills and other power equipment, including ultrasonic scalers and air polishers, can produce suspended droplets or aerosol spray that may hang in the air, potentially carrying the coronavirus, which could endanger patients and staff members.

As a result, dental offices operate in a markedly different way than they did pre-pandemic. Since reopening last spring, they have been following federal guidelines and industry group recommendations aimed at curtailing the spread of the virus.

And while vaccination offers fresh promise, there are new worries about more contagious variants as well as a monthslong timetable for rolling out the vaccines to the general public.

Dentists and hygienists generally protect themselves with face shields, masks, gowns, gloves and hair covers resembling shower caps. They have set aside aerosol-spewing power equipment; hygienists instead rely on traditional hand tools to remove patients’ plaque and tartar.

Under the new practices, patients typically get called a few days before visits and are asked whether they have any coronavirus symptoms. They may be told to wait in their cars until they can be seen. Their temperatures may be taken before entering a dental office, and they must wear masks, except during treatment, all measures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Dental offices also look different now. Many dentists allow only one patient in the office at a time. At Exceptional Dentistry on Staten Island in New York, the waiting area is bereft of magazines, and plexiglass shields have been installed at the front desk, said Dr. Craig Ratner, owner of the office in the Tottenville neighborhood.

And visits may last longer, because scaling by hand is more laborious than applying ultrasonic scalers, and because some patients have built-up tartar, stains and plaque on their teeth after delaying their regular visits because of the pandemic, Dr. Ratner said.

Workers protesting outside the Food 4 Less in Long Beach, Calif. Kroger plans to close the store after the city required “hero pay” for grocery workers.
Credit…Maggie Shannon for The New York Times

The race to distribute vaccines and the emergence of more contagious variants of the coronavirus have put a renewed spotlight on the plight of grocery workers in the United States. The industry has boomed in the past year as Americans have stayed home and avoided restaurants.

But in most cases that has not translated into extra pay for workers. After Long Beach, Calif., mandated hazard pay for grocery workers, the grocery giant Kroger responded last week by saying it would close two locations.

And now, even as experts warn people to minimize time spent in grocery stores because of new coronavirus variants, The New York Times found only 13 states that had started specifically vaccinating those workers.

“Grocers are known to have these very thin margins, which they do, but they have been very profitable during the pandemic,” said Molly Kinder, a fellow at the Brookings Institution who has researched retailers’ pay during the pandemic. “Employers by and large, with only a few exceptions, like Trader Joe’s and Costco, ended hazard pay months and months ago.”

She added, “If you look at how the virus has gone since then, it’s so much more deadly now.”

Brookings found that while 13 of the largest retail and grocery companies in the United States earned $17.7 billion more in the first three quarters of 2020 than they did a year earlier, most stopped offering extra compensation to their associates in the early summer. At the same time, some opted to buy back shares and gave big sums to executives.

The tension is especially high on the West Coast, where cities like Los Angeles and Seattle have required hazard pay for essential grocery workers — and are now facing threats of store closures and even an end to food bank donations from grocers.

It has been an exhausting 10 months for Toni Ward Sockwell, an assistant manager at Cash Saver, a grocery chain, in Guthrie, Okla. She has been helping to oversee about 40 anxious employees during a deadly pandemic, vigilantly disinfecting counters at the store and worrying about passing the virus to her elderly mother.

News of the vaccines initially boosted her spirits, but her optimism faded as she learned that grocery store workers in Oklahoma would not be eligible for them until spring.

“Health care workers are heroes in my eyes,” she added. “But we are forgotten.”

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