Consequences of lockdown in Germany: 325,900 jobs cut in hospitality alone

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The unemployment rate in germany is 6.2%, – reported the Federal Employment Agency. The coronavirus pandemic and restrictive measures to combat it have led to the closure of many establishments. In the hospitality industry alone, some 325,900 part-time jobs have been cut. The decline was nearly 36 percent over the same period last year.

According to available information, in restaurants and pubs alone, some 184,000 part-time jobs have ceased to exist. In the service sector, 96,116 part-time jobs were cut, in trade minus 73,641 jobs, in manufacturing – 70,181.

In general, the number of part-time workers in the country decreased by 837,004 people. In June 2020, the figure fell more than 12 percent compared to June 2019. The experts proceed from the fact that every eighth part-time job was laid off. To a greater extent, this affected students and families with children, in which one parent works less than 40 hours a week.

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