Common Dental Issues Treated by Family Dentists and How They Help

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By Riley

Family dentists oversee the oral health of all family members over the years. They have access to advanced technology to cure the dental problems of every age group. This article addresses the common dental issues that Thornton Family Dentistry will treat and help with the right oral hygiene for everyone.

  1. Cavity 

Cavities are very common because of modern dietary habits. These days, we eat lots of acid-containing foods, cold drinks, and fast food. These eating patterns contribute to cavity formation mainly through oral bacteria that produce the acid responsible for decay. If not cured in the initial stage, cavities may lead to infections and severe toothaches. The curing procedure is very simple, which includes extracting infected parts and filling the space with resin or amalgam.

  1. Dental disease

Dental disease is also known as gum disease, and a family dentist often treats it. The first stage is gum irritation, known as gingivitis, and bleeding. If not cured on time, it may lead to dental disease, which results in tooth loss and gum recession. Family dentists will first remove all plaque accumulation on teeth, followed by root planing or scaling. In some advanced cases, surgical procedures may be required.  

  1. Teeth sensitivity 

With age, tooth sensitivity becomes very common. When you eat something cold or hot, the sensation in your teeth is known as teeth sensitivity. It mainly happens because of enamel degradation or gum recession. To cure this disease, a family dentist will first know the main cause of sensitivity and then perform the appropriate procedure, such as fluoride treatments, dental bonding, or desensitizing toothpaste.  

  1. Teeth erosion

Whatever food we take, there is a minimal amount of acid present in it. With time this minimal amount affects your teeth badly causing teeth erosion. Because of this erosion teeth become extremely sensitive and shift in the structure of the teeth. Family dentists will suggest dietary options, like avoiding cold drinks, and food that contains a lot of acid. Additionally, they may suggest restorative solutions like dental veneers or crown restore and fluoride treatments. 

  1. Improperly aligned teeth

Improperly aligned teeth are mainly childhood problems. It can be for many reasons, like mouth appearance and functionality. There are cases in which misalignment can cause people to experience difficulties with eating, talking, and smiling. Family dentists will work to cure this problem. The options are aligners, braces, and other orthodontic tools to straighten the teeth and cure bite issues. The early cure is very important because aligners and braces can be particularly noticeable and uncomfortable for growing individuals. 

  1. Oral damage

Oral damage may occur because of many reasons like trauma, sports injuries and accidents. It mainly includes oral wounds, chipped and broken teeth. These wounds can be irritating because it hurts every time you eat or swallow anything. Family dentists will fix the damaged teeth with the help of restorative treatment. In an emergency, they provide mouth friendly ointments for fast recovery. 

  1. Bad breath

Halitosis is another name for bad breath, which is a problem most people suffer from these days. Every time you speak to someone, you fear bad breath. Sometimes, it is also irritating to oneself. Family dentists will cure it by first knowing the main cause and then suggesting the cures accordingly. They may also provide oral solutions to avoid bad breath. 


Family dentists are very important when it comes to treating common oral problems. They are adept at performing all the curing procedures very comfortably and effectively. While they are known as family dentists, they are equipped with advanced technology to handle a broad spectrum of dental concerns. Visit a family dentist regularly to maintain a proper oral hygiene routine. Curing at an early stage is recommended to prevent serious problems.