Civil rights attorney Leo Terrell blasts inaction by Democrats as ‘thugs attack law-abiding citizens’

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Civil rights attorney Leo Terrell ripped the leaders of the Democratic Party on “Hannity” Friday, saying that it is insulting and disingenuous for Joe Biden and others to suddenly claim they are the protectors of law and order after months of unrest.

“This is the reason why I am voting Republican for the first time,” Terrell said in response to violent demonstrations outside the White House on the final night of the Republican National Convention. A number of lawmakers, including Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Georgia Democratic Rep. Vernon Jones were confronted and accosted as they left the White House grounds.


“What you just saw last night with Rand Paul and Vernon Jones — it doesn’t make a difference what color your skin color, as these are thugs out there attacking law-abiding citizens,” said Terrell, who added: “The Democrats are now lying, saying that we are in favor of law and order. They have let cities burn for four to five months and President Trump has offered help and they have refused. This is outright shocking.”

He dismissed Biden’s claim the violence is taking place in “Trump’s America.”

“Allowing these criminals to run rampant in the streets without any recourse is going to haunt the Democrats and that is why the polls are shifting, and that’s why they are going to vote for the law and order president,” Terrell continued. “I and other Democrats are going to vote for Trump because we want law and order, we want school choice, we want the good things that President Trump articulated in his [RNC] acceptance speech.”


Terrell also accused Biden of trying to “walk back” statements he made that were interpreted as supporting the “defund the police” movement.

“They used all these magical words, but they’re in favor of it,” he said. “Now they’re trying to walk it back because of the violence that the American public is seeing. They are in favor of it, Donald Trump is in favor of supporting the blue, that’s why he has the police unions behind him. Joe, the union guy, no police support, but now they are supporting Donald Trump.”

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