Chinese Foreign Minister Compares Democracy to American Soda

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Democracy is not Coca Cola, and the United States cannot force the whole world to be the same taste that they have created, said Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

He said that no power in the world can deny the path taken by other countries, and no state will change its own system because of the likes and dislikes of others.

“Only the people of the country must decide whether the system and path they have chosen are correct. We never adopt foreign models, export our ideology and do not require other countries to copy China’s methods, ”Wang Yi stressed during a video conference with representatives of the US Council on Foreign Relations.

The PRC Foreign Minister added that Beijing urged all countries to follow a development path that suits their national conditions and people’s needs, respecting and learning from each other.

Wang Yi noted that it has recently been argued that the Sino-US issue has been portrayed as a dispute between “democracy and authoritarianism.”

“Democracy is not Coca Cola, where the US produces syrup and the whole world tastes the same. If there is only one model and one culture on Earth, the world will lose its vitality and chance of survival, ”the Chinese minister summed up.