Children’s Ombudsman of the Sverdlovsk Region visited the girl found in the closet

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Ombudsman for Children’s Rights in the Sverdlovsk Region Igor Morokov visited a six-month-old girl in the hospital, whom her mother had kept in a closet since birth. In an interview with the news agency, the ombudsman admitted that he was worried before visiting, but the baby’s condition made him happy.

“I looked, it’s such a joy in my soul. Eyes are conscious, she reacts. The impression is good, I think everything will be fine with her, ”Morokov said.

He clarified that, according to doctors, the child still received minimal care after birth. The ombudsman also noted that the girl eats well and is surrounded by the attention of doctors.

Morokov did not tell the news about the mother of the newborn, citing the secret of the investigation.

On Monday, October 12, it was reported that a six-month-old girl, whom her mother had kept in a closet since birth, was transferred from intensive care to a regular ward. On the same day, the hospital doctors said that she was in stable condition, but severely emaciated.

On October 9, it became known that a 37-year-old resident of Karpinsk gave birth to a daughter and kept her in a closet for six months. The baby was discovered by the woman’s guests. The girl was immediately hospitalized, the doctors diagnosed her with third degree dystrophy.

A case was filed against the woman on improper performance of parental duties. A torture case was also opened. The woman’s parents said that she was hiding the pregnancy. They have taken the older children and are going to pick up the youngest as soon as they can.

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