Children of security officials can be given advantages when entering universities

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Children of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Rosgvardia will receive benefits when entering universities. As Izvestia found out, such a bill was supported by the government, and in March it could be adopted by the State Duma. The granting of the preemptive right to enroll in universities under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Rosgvardia is offered to the children of employees of the internal affairs bodies, as well as children of citizens serving under a contract with a total length of service of 20 years or more.

“The introduction of the proposed change will not affect the possibility of admission to these educational organizations of other persons, since the specified pre-emptive right is exercised only if the children of citizens of the specified categories of admissions tests successfully pass and all other things being equal,” reads the government’s response, which is at the disposal of ” Izvestia “.

At the same time, the Cabinet of Ministers believes that in order to form a unified approach, the requirement of the draft law for the total length of service (20 years or more) to obtain this advantage should be extended to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. In addition, the government suggests that the authors of the norms on the grounds for the dismissal of citizens of these categories should be coordinated with the relevant provisions of the federal law “On service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.”

Read more in the exclusive material of Izvestia:

Inherited principle: children of security officials will enter universities on a priority basis

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