British doctors have named the symptoms of post-coid syndrome

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The UK’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) published guidance on the management of post-coccygeal syndrome on December 18, naming its symptoms.

Thus, the specialists of the institute attributed high fever, fatigue, headache, tingling and numbness of the extremities, as well as disturbed sleep and cognitive functions to the symptoms of this syndrome.

In addition, patients who have recovered from COVID-19 may suffer from nausea, diarrhea, anorexia and abdominal pain for a long time. In addition, the coronavirus can also affect the psychological state of a person, provoking depression and anxiety attacks.

Also, according to experts, people often complain of pain, chest tightness and irregular heartbeat. At the same time, rashes and other skin diseases are less common.

On the eve of the candidate of medical sciences, immunologist Nikolai Kryuchkov said that every fifth patient who has had a coronavirus infection is faced with postcoid syndrome.

According to him, some of the manifestations of this syndrome are difficult to distinguish from natural weakness after any serious illness. These can be disorders of concentration, sleep and memory. There are also pronounced mood swings and even depression.

On December 2, the British Heart Foundation noted that among the symptoms of protracted COVID-19, doctors named shortness of breath, anxiety and depression, heart palpitations, pain in the chest, muscles and joints, as well as an inability to think clearly or concentrate.

The spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes the COVID-19 disease, began at the end of December last year. The Chinese city of Wuhan became the hotbed of infection. For several months, the disease has spread to more than 210 countries of the world. On March 11, WHO declared a coronavirus pandemic.

According to Worldometer data, as of December 19, over 76.1 million cases of COVID-19 have been registered on the planet, more than 1.6 million people have died, and 53.4 million have been cured.

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