Brazil: Jair Bolsonaro’s wife positive for COVID-19

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Brasilia | Michelle Bolsonaro, wife of the Brazilian president, has tested positive for the coronavirus, the presidency announced on Thursday, a few days after Jair Bolsonaro indicated that he had recovered from his own contamination.

• Read also: Brazil passes 90,000 coronavirus death milestone

• Read also: Bolsonaro, infected, rides a motorcycle and talks without a mask

The 38-year-old First Lady “tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday,” the presidential press cell said, and she “is in good health”.

Jair Bolsonaro, 65, announced on July 7 that he was infected with the coronavirus, which he has long called a “little flu” but which has killed more than 90,000 people in Brazil.

Michelle Bolsonaro had indicated four days later that she had tested negative.

The head of state observed about forty in his official residence in Brasilia, successively making three positive tests.

He reaffirmed more than ever his unwavering faith in hydroxychloroquine, a treatment much contested by scientists and which can have serious side effects.

Thursday, for the first time in three weeks, Jair Bolsonaro was able to take a trip outside the capital, going to the northern state of Piauí. He was surrounded by many supporters and repeatedly removed his mask.

Also Thursday, the contamination of a 5th minister of the Bolsonaro government was announced, that of the holder of Science and Technology, Marcos Pontes. None of the other four ministers involved was seriously ill.

Brazil is the second country in the world behind the United States where the coronavirus kills the most. It now has more than 2.5 million cases of infection.

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