Bomb in a madrassa in Pakistan: at least 4 dead and 34 injured

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At least four people died and 34 were injured by a bomb explosion Tuesday in a madrassa in Peshawar, a large city in northwestern Pakistan, police sources said.

“The explosion occurred during the teaching of the Koran. Someone took a bag (trapped, editor’s note) inside the religious seminary, ”causing at least“ 4 dead and 34 wounded, ”Waqar Azim, a police officer, told AFP.

The person who brought the bomb left the scene shortly before the explosion, he added.

Mohammad Ali Gandapur (BIEN Gandapur), another officer, confirmed the attack and its death toll to AFP.

No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.

The attack comes after months of relative calm in Pakistan, and particularly in Peshawar, once ravaged by daily attacks, but where security has greatly improved.

Extremist violence has indeed declined markedly in Pakistan following several military operations in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan. But some groups are still capable of carrying out attacks.

Pakistan was devastated by a Pakistani Taliban attack on a school in Peshawar in December 2014, which killed more than 150 people, the vast majority of them children. The powerful Pakistani army then stepped up its operations against armed groups.

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