Bolshoi ballerina diagnosed with coronavirus

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A test for coronavirus infection in one of the ballerinas of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater (Bolshoi Theater) gave a positive result. This was announced on Tuesday, August 11, by the director general of the theater, Vladimir Urin.

“The ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater has confirmed a coronavirus infection,” TASS quotes him.

The director general noted that all the theater artists who were quarantined after contact with the ballerina tested negative for coronavirus, RT reports.

The head of the theater press service Katerina Novikova confirmed the information about the infection of the ballerina.

“Who exactly – I don’t want to say this publicly. I don’t know the details, she just has a confirmed diagnosis. Everyone who contacted her is now in quarantine, “the Moscow city news agency quoted her as saying. Novikova stressed that the work of the theater continues.

On August 7, it was reported that the Bolshoi Theater will open the 245th season on September 6 with the opera Don Carlos by Giuseppe Verdi, one of the main roles in which will be performed by Anna Netrebko.

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