Boeing shot down in Iran: key questions still unanswered for Canada

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The Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) ruled on Sunday that “a number of key questions remain unanswered”, after information given by Tehran on the contents of the black boxes of the Ukrainian Boeing shot down in January in Iran.

• Read also: Boeing shot down in Iran: pilots alive after first shot, according to black boxes

The aircraft’s flight recorders revealed that the pilots were still alive after the aircraft was hit by the first of two Iranian missiles, officials in Tehran said.

The cockpit voice recorder captured conversations “up to 19 seconds after the first missile hit the plane,” officials said Sunday.

In a statement, the TSB confirmed that it had received from the Iranian civil aviation organization the “flight recorder data download” of the plane, noting that it was not “the final report of the aircraft. investigation “, but” from a brief summary of the content extracted last month, in Paris, from the flight data and cockpit voice recorders “.

The Iranian summary is consistent with what was observed by Canadian investigators who witnessed the download of the data in France, specifies the president of the TSB, Kathy Fox, while affirming that “the investigation is far from being finished, because many key questions remain unanswered ”.

The Canadian organization continues to call for a “thorough, transparent and credible investigation”, which will answer the following questions:

  • “What were the human or organizational factors behind each of the actions taken and each of the decisions made in the chronology of events that led to the launch of the missile (s) that brought down the aircraft?”
  • “On what basis was the decision taken to leave Iranian airspace open to civilian aircraft, especially after the Islamic Republic of Iran launched missiles at a military base in Iraq?”
  • And finally, “how did the civilian air carriers (notably Ukraine International Airlines) decide to maintain their activities in the region affected by this conflict, in particular after the Islamic Republic of Iran launched missiles at a base?” military in Iraq? “

The tragedy claimed the lives of the 176 people on board the aircraft, mostly Iranians and Canadians, many of them binational.

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