Biden WH imposes 100-day ‘pause’ on deportations of illegal immigrants

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Biden administration imposes 100-day ‘pause’ on deportations of illegal immigrants
The Biden administration on Wednesday issued a 100-day “pause” on deportations of illegal immigrants — a dramatic move that caps a slew of immigration-related moves on President Biden’s first day in office.

Acting Department Homeland Security Secretary David Pekoske signed a memorandum to review immigration enforcement policies. Part of that includes a 100-day pause, beginning Friday, of “certain noncitizens ordered deported.”

“The pause will allow DHS to ensure that its resources are dedicated to responding to the most pressing challenges that the United States faces, including immediate operational challenges at the southwest border in the midst of the most serious global public health crisis in a century,” DHS said in a statement.

Biden had promised to implement a 100-day moratorium during the 2020 campaign, and the order from DHS fulfills that promise. It would apply to any noncitizen with a final order of removal with very limited exceptions.

The move, which means many illegal immigrants with criminal convictions and charges will not be deported in that timeframe, caps a slew of immigration moves by the new president, reversing many of the policies of former President Trump. CLICK HERE FOR MORE ON OUR TOP STORY.

In other developments:

– Marco Rubio rejects Biden immigration bill, calls it ‘blanket amnesty’- Biden reversing travel ban for Muslim countries ‘very disappointing’: Chad Wolf
– Texas Border Patrol stations see  193% increase in illegal border crossings since last year
– Mexico calls on Biden to fix immigration status of Mexican nationals
– Texas attorney general pledges to ‘fight’ Biden administration ‘illegal actions’
– Biden to reverse Trump travel ban, halt wall, strengthen DACA in slew of immigration orders

Portland rioters damage ICE building; police declare ‘unlawful assembly
‘Police declared an unlawful assembly Wednesday night in Portland, Ore., after about 150 rioters caused damage to a federal immigration facility in the city, according to the authorities.

The unrest near the ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) building was declared after rioters started throwing rocks and eggs, and vandalizing the building, located in the city’s south waterfront neighborhood, Portland police Sgt. Kevin Allen said in a 10 p.m. update. 

Earlier in the day, Antifa rioters voiced dissatisfaction with President Joe Biden and clashed with city police. 

“We have observed property damage to the building,” the Portland Police Bureau wrote on Twitter later. “Anyone who is involved in criminal behavior including: vandalism and graffitting is subject to arrest or citation.”

Allen said individuals were seen carrying pepper ball guns, electronic control weapons (similar to stun guns) — shields and rocks. He added that federal law enforcement used “crowd-control munitions.” CLICK HERE FOR MORE.

In other developments:
– Seattle protesters oppose Biden and police, vandalize buildings, cause other damage: reports
– BLM protesters arrested, cited with blocking Seattle freeway on MLK Day
– On Biden’s Inauguration Day, cities big and small prepared for potential unrest

Trump hints at political comeback as he departs White House
With a possible eye toward a potential comeback in four years, outgoing President Trump told supporters that “we will be back in some form.”

Trump, speaking Wednesday morning at a farewell rally at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland before boarding Air Force One for the last time as president on a flight home to Florida, told a crowd of family, friends, aides and supporters that “I will always fight for you” and that “we will see you soon.

“Sixteen hours earlier, in his final video as president that was chock-full of his populist themes, Trump emphasized that, “I want you to know that the movement we started is only just beginning” and he added that “the best is yet to come.”Trump refused to concede his election defeat at the hands of incoming President Joe Biden, and on Wednesday he became the first president to skip the inauguration of his successor in a century and a half. 

Trump has repeatedly vowed to play an influential role in the party going forward, threatening to back primary challenges to Republicans up for reelection in 2022 who didn’t support his unsuccessful push to upend his election defeat to Biden. Trump was also flirting with a 2024 presidential run to try and win back the White House. CLICK HERE FOR MORE.

In other developments:
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– Trump leaves letter for Biden before departing White House

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#The Flashback: CLICK HERE to find out what happened on “This Day in History.”


Sean Hannity disputed President Joe Biden’s inaugural address on Fox News’ “Hannity” on Wednesday night, saying the new president’s words belied his calls for unity.”Joe predictably meandered his way through what is a unremarkable, totally forgettable, even pre-rehearsed set of remarks,” Hannity said. “The main theme of the speech – unity – after four years of outright lying, conspiracy theories, witch hunts, one hoax after another, vitriol, non-stop hysteria, two impeachments – including one that is unconstitutionally ongoing – Biden’s hollow calls for unity are both laughable and completely disingenuous.”

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