Biden vows not to turn his presidency into “Obama’s third term”

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Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has assured that his term will not turn into the “third term” of the former head of state Barack Obama, under which he served as vice president.

“This is not Obama’s third term. We are facing a completely different world, ”he said in an interview with NBC published on Wednesday, November 25.

Biden added that incumbent President Donald Trump’s “America first” attitude has led to “America alone.”

Also in an interview, the democrat said what exactly he plans to do during the first 100 days of his tenure as head of state. In particular, Biden intends to carry out immigration reform, as well as repeal a number of Trump’s environmental orders, which, in his opinion, have worsened the ecological situation in the country.

General elections were held in the United States on November 3. According to media reports, Biden is ahead of Trump in terms of the number of popular votes and the number of electoral votes. The democrat himself has already announced his victory in the elections. Trump refused to admit defeat, and his headquarters filed several lawsuits demanding verification of the voting process or recounts in several states.

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