Biden says Democrats don’t have votes to impeach Trump

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Biden tells interviewer Dems won’t have necessary votes to convict Trump at impeachment
President Joe Biden on Monday dealt Senate Democrats a blow when he said in an interview that it seems they will be unable to convict former President Trump — once again — during an impeachment trial.

House Democrats presented an article of impeachment to the Senate Monday night.

Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., one of nine House Democrats named as prosecutors in the upcoming trial, read the article of impeachment on the Senate floor.

Raskin quoted from Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which he said “prohibits any person who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States from holding any office under the United States.”

Biden told CNN that he does not believe that Senate Democrats will get 17 Republicans to vote to convict the former president. He said that his opinion might have been different if Trump remained in office for a few more months. CLICK HERE FOR MORE ON OUR TOP STORY.

In other developments:
– House Democrats present Trump impeachment charge to the Senate, allowing trial to begin
– Democratic senator presiding over Trump impeachment trial pledges impartiality despite call to convict
– Democrats showing ‘shockingly bad judgment’ with Trump impeachment focus: Cornyn
– Leahy expected to preside over Trump impeachment trial instead of Chief Justice Roberts
Impeaching Trump as a former president a ‘moot point,’ Rounds says
– Gregg Jarrett: Pelosi seeks retaliation in Trump impeachment trial — get ready for ‘the sequel’

McConnell relents in Senate filibuster fight, here’s why
Pay close attention to the language of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) tonight.

He’s relenting on his demand that Democrats promise they won’t ditch the filibuster in a power-sharing agreement in a 50-50 Senate. McConnell’s willing to deal now – because he knows Democrats – and Republicans, for that matter – lack the votes to eliminate the filibuster.

So, McConnell is ready to deal.

We knew last week it was unlikely that there were ever the votes to get rid of the filibuster. But failing to eliminate the filibuster simply presents Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) with a problem. The left-wing of the Democrat Party will come for Schumer when the Senate fails to pass big-ticket items important to progressives, ranging from climate change to DC statehood. Schumer could only do that by extinguishing the filibuster. But he lacks the votes to do so.

In other words, Schumer has the responsibility, but none of the power.

The converse is true for McConnell: he has the power in a 50-50 Senate, but none of the responsibility. Without question, McConnell may emerge as the most powerful Minority Leader in Senate history. CLICK HERE FOR MORE.

In other developments:
– Will Democrats eliminate the filibuster in the Senate? What to know
– Dem senator says ‘of course’ Senate should consider ending filibuster if Republicans obstruct
– Squad member Pressley: ‘Past time to end the Jim Crow Filibuster’
– Psaki promises ‘transparency’ and then refuses to provide views on major congressional actions

Trump creates ‘Office of the Former President’ in Florida
Former President Donald Trump on Monday established an official post-presidency office in Palm Beach County, Florida to oversee his affairs, Fox News has learned.

A statement from Trump’s office said the “Office of the Former President” will be responsible for his “correspondence, public statements, appearances, and official activities.

The Office will also “advance the interests of the United States and … carry on the agenda of the Trump Administration through advocacy, organizing, and public activism.”

The announcement comes as Democrats marched the impeachment case against Trump to the Senate Monday night for the start of his historic trial. Republican senators, meanwhile, were easing off their criticism of the former president and shunning calls to convict him over his supposed role in the deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol. CLICK HERE FOR MORE.

In other developments:
– DOJ IG investigating whether officials tried to overturn 2020 election
– House Democrats present Trump impeachment charge to the Senate, allowing trial to begin
– Justice Department considers not charging all Capitol rioters, amid concerns of flooding the courts
– Prosecutors say ‘strong evidence’ shows Capitol rioters wanted to ‘capture and assassinate’ officials


– Sen. Rand Paul clashes with ABC’s Stephanopoulos: ‘You’re forgetting who you are as a journalist!’
– Pennsylvania woman accused of stealing Pelosi laptop during Capitol riot covering tracks online: DOJ
– Piers Morgan rips media for not calling out Biden’s ‘Trump-sized lie’ about vaccine rollout
– Republicans press constitutional amendment term-limiting members of Congress
– Americans still awaiting coronavirus stimulus checks as Biden reportedly offers $4B to Central America
– Rep. Boebert fires back at Twitter troll who mocked her education level

– Senate confirms Janet Yellen as first female Treasury secretary
– Dr. Fauci is the highest paid employee in the federal government
– Newsom claims lifting lockdown isn’t ‘political’ but critics point to recall threat
– Biden pledges to use taxpayers’ dollars to invest in American businesses and jobs
– Pelosi’s husband bets up to $1M Tesla will flourish during Biden’s administration
– Target won’t sell Thai coconut milk after probe shows product made by forced monkey labor: report

#The Flashback: CLICK HERE to find out what happened on “This Day in History.”


Sean Hannity discussed President Joe Biden’s policies regarding China on Monday night’s edition of “Hannity,” faulting the new president and Democrats for failing to hold China accountable “for anything.”

“Tonight, at least one thing has become very clear – the Biden administration does not plan to hold China responsible for anything,” Hannity said. “Patience for China, but not the Keystone pipeline. Clearing a relationship with the malignant regime – the hostile regime that they are – that infected the world with Covid-19 – is more important to Biden.”

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Fox News First was compiled by Fox News’ Jack Durschlag. Thank you for making us your first choice in the morning! We’ll see you in your inbox first thing Wednesday.

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