Biden reported on threats and security at inauguration

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US President-elect Joe Biden on Wednesday, January 13, was informed about the preparations for the inauguration and the threats for which the FBI and the Secret Service are preparing. This is stated in a press release distributed by the team of the transition period, reports RIA Novosti.

It is noted that Biden’s headquarters is working with the current US administration to gather as much information as possible “about the threat landscape and preparations for deterring and protecting against violence and attacks.”

“The new team is focused on laying the foundation for a smooth transition of power that will ensure continued oversight of the security forces,” the statement said.

As specified, Biden’s team will receive daily reports on security and preparations for the transfer of power.

Earlier on January 13, it was reported that the US National Guard was stationed at the Capitol in Washington for the first time since the Civil War of 1861-1865. According to The Washington Post, about 20 thousand guardsmen may arrive in Washington to strengthen security measures.

Earlier, on January 7, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced his decision to send 1,000 members of the National Guard to Washington due to the unrest in the capital. He said that the state military will be in Washington for up to two weeks.

On January 9, the Associated Press reported that National Guard troops may be allowed to carry firearms and rubber truncheons for security during Biden’s inauguration.

On January 11, US President Donald Trump announced the introduction of a state of emergency in Washington and sent federal assistance to the authorities of the American capital to ensure security ahead of the inauguration of the US President-elect.

On January 12, US Congressional Security Service warned senators about the planned storming of the Capitol on the day of the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden. According to The Hill newspaper, citing a source, on the day of the inauguration, about 15,000 National Guard officers will be involved in Washington to ensure security.

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