Biden forced to explain himself to black Americans, Trump rejoices

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Washington | Donald Trump claimed on Friday that Joe Biden had just “lost” the vote of black voters, key to winning the White House, after new controversial remarks by his Democratic rival forced to “clarify” that he did not think the Afro -Americans lacked diversity.

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“Sleeping Joe just lost the Black Vote. This declaration is a disaster from which we cannot recover! », Wrote the US president, using his favorite nickname to designate the Democratic candidate he will face in the presidential election on November 3.

He was referring to the controversy caused by comments made by the former vice-president of Barack Obama in an interview with American associations of black and Hispanic journalists (NABJ and NAHJ), broadcast Thursday.

“What you all know but most people don’t is that unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Hispanic community is an incredibly diverse community, with incredibly different attitudes about different things. He had said.

Faced with the controversy, Joe Biden was forced to explain himself in the evening.

“Earlier today, I made comments about the diversity in the African American and Latin communities that I want to clarify,” he tweeted. “I didn’t mean to suggest in any way that the African American community is monolithic – not on its identity, not on the issues, not at all.”

“My commitment to you is this: I will always listen,” he continued. “I will never stop fighting for the African American community and I will never stop fighting for a more equal future.”

Former Barack Obama right-hand man Joe Biden, 77, won the Democratic primary largely thanks to the vote of black voters who gave him a big victory in South Carolina after a series of humiliating defeats this winter.

Known for his cookie-cutter, often annoyed statements, Joe Biden has already made several controversial comments about African Americans, a key electorate for any Democrat wanting to win the US presidential election.

And each time Donald Trump, who has been accused several times of making racist comments and scores minimal with this electorate in the polls, seizes it. “Joe Biden this morning totally despised and insulted the black community,” he denounced Thursday.

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