Biden denounces Trump’s ‘incredible irresponsibility’

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US President-elect Joe Biden on Thursday denounced the “incredible irresponsibility” of Donald Trump, who still refuses to accept his defeat in the November 3 election.

The current tenant of the White House denounces, without the slightest tangible proof, massive fraud in several states and has embarked on a judicial guerrilla war led, in extreme confusion, by his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani.

“I think (Americans) are witnessing incredible irresponsibility, unbelievably damaging messages sent to the rest of the world about how democracy works,” Biden said from his home in Wilmington, Delaware.

“It’s hard to understand how this man reasons,” he continued. “I am convinced that he knows he lost and that I will be sworn in on January 20. What he is doing is simply scandalous ”.

Nationally, Joe Biden won nearly 80 million votes in the November 3 ballot, compared to just under 74 million for the Republican billionaire.

But in the United States, the White House is played out through a system of elected voters in each state, and the Democrat’s victory is short in a handful of them.

In Georgia, the count gives him, for the moment, only 14,000 votes ahead of his rival, a gap so tight that a recount by hand has taken place. Local authorities were to publish their findings during the day.

“From what we see, President Trump always seems to be a little behind”, with more than 12,000 votes behind, has already said Gabriel Sterling, one of the Republican elected officials in charge of overseeing operations election, interviewed on Fox News.

Biden denounces Trump's 'incredible irresponsibility'

” Confusion ”

Without delay, Donald Trump attacked the electoral operations in this southern state. In a series of morning tweets, he notably rebounded on the discovery of nearly 6,000 ballots in two counties with a Republican majority.

A part had been counted, but not downloaded into the system. The others appear to have been left in a box, according to local authorities.

“It is confusing and we understand that people are worried,” but “the good news is that the recount has served its purpose” in correcting these mistakes, commented Sterling.

“Let us hope that President Trump accepts the result,” he added, regretting that “the questioning” of the election “undermines the foundations of democracy”.

If the difference remains less than 0.5%, Donald Trump will be able to demand a new recount in this state, at the center of all attention because the control of the Senate will be played there in January during two senatorial elections.

Biden denounces Trump's 'incredible irresponsibility'

” Case closed ”

Beyond Georgia, the president and his allies have filed a series of appeals in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona and Nevada.

Some have been rejected by the courts, others withdrawn by those concerned, but President Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer is struggling to support the last. This week, for the first time in decades, the former mayor of New York even pleaded before a federal judge, without providing material elements.

Thursday, in a very disjointed press briefing, he brewed several conspiratorial theories, accusing Venezuela or the philanthropist George Soros of having participated in a fraud organized according to him by “democratic leaders”, with the complicity of Joe Biden himself. even.

“That’s why he did not campaign, he knew it would take place,” said Rudy Giuliani, ensuring he had hundreds of “sworn statements” to prove his allegations.

As he spoke, Donald Trump tweeted. “Case closed of electoral fraud, en masse!” He wrote.

Biden denounces Trump's 'incredible irresponsibility'

“A call from the president”

Another front of this guerrilla war: two Republican activists responsible for participating in the certification of results near Detroit, Michigan, refused for long hours on Tuesday to affix their signature, before giving in to the outcry sparked by this unprecedented gesture.

Wednesday evening, they wanted to go back. In the meantime, “I got a call from President Trump,” one of the two, Monica Palmer, told the Washington Post. “It wasn’t pressure, he was worried about my safety,” she added.

Beyond this crusade, the president has no event on his official agenda.

Joe Biden continues to prepare for his accession to the White House, scheduled for January 20. He met with governors on Thursday to discuss the response to the Covid-19 pandemic, which has claimed more than 250,000 lives in the United States.

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