Biden announces appointments to several positions in the White House

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US President-elect Joseph Biden has announced additional senior management appointments in the White House, according to a transition website on Tuesday, December 22.

In November, Biden appointed his former adviser, Ron Kline, as White House chief of staff. Now it became known that Bruce Reed, who was previously a Democrat’s assistant, will become Kline’s deputy, and Elizabeth Wilkins, an employee of Biden’s campaign headquarters, has been approved as Kline’s adviser.

The White House speeches will be handled by Vinay Reddy, who has worked with Biden as a speechwriter since the Democrat was vice president. Anne Filipik will be in charge of administrative matters and Ryan Montoya for planning.

In addition, Gautam Raghavan, who served under President Barack Obama as deputy director of the Office of Public Affairs, will join the Biden administration in the White House. He will take over the duties of the Deputy Chief of Staff of the US President.

“These are respected leaders whose values ​​and priorities are aligned with my own, and who will faithfully fulfill their role for the benefit of the American people,” Biden said.

On November 23, Biden announced the names of those who will occupy key positions in his administration. So, Anthony Blinken will become the US Secretary of State, Linda Thomas-Greenfield will take the post of Permanent Representative to the UN, and Jake Sullivan will be appointed Security Advisor.

Later it became known that the White House public relations team under the presidency of Democrat Biden would be composed only of women. Among them will include, in particular, the ex-representative of the State Department Jen Psaki.

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