Biden and Trump woo ‘seniors’ crucial presidential voters

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An “irresponsible” president against a “catastrophic” candidate for “seniors”: Donald Trump and Joe Biden each made proposals yesterday to older voters, who should play a crucial role in determining the winner of the November 3 presidential election .

With 20 days of the election, everyone promised their supporters victory.

Chaining his second rally in two days, this time in the key state of Pennsylvania, the Republican president showed himself in good shape eight days after his discharge from hospital, in front of an enthusiastic crowd, where masks remained rare.


Leading the polls, Joe Biden accused his Republican rival in Florida of being more and more “irresponsible” since he contracted Covid-19 and then reconnected with the crowd in this same key state on Monday evening.

The 77-year-old former Democratic vice-president has detailed a few proposals for the elderly, a crucial electorate who in the Sunshine State have swung to their side in the polls after voting majority for the Republican billionaire in 2016.

“The only senior that interests Donald Trump is senior Donald Trump himself,” said the Democratic candidate in Pembroke Pines, north of Miami, where he once again denounced the management of the pandemic by the Republican president .

But he mainly focused on the action of his opponent, while the United States has the heaviest toll in the world with more than 215,800 deaths from Covid-19.

“It has prevented seniors in Florida and citizens across the country from getting the help they need,” he lamented. “How many of you can’t kiss your little children?” »He added in a center for retirees.

Catastrophic program

For his part, Donald Trump was last night in Johnstown, in the state of Pennsylvania which he won in 2016 but which at this stage leans for Joe Biden in the polls.

The Republican billionaire has once again joked about his rival, whom he nicknamed “Sleepy Joe”, whom he says he does not attract “almost” any voter in public.

Once again presenting himself as a defender of “law and order”, Donald Trump has again portrayed his rival as a candidate in the hands of the “radical left”, whose presidency would lead to chaos. And he also appealed to the older ones.

“Biden’s program would be catastrophic for ‘seniors’,” he said. He “cares more about illegal immigrants than senior citizens.”

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