Why is Swift the Best Platform for iOS Application Development

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By Rahul Pandey

Objective-C was the programming language for the longest time for macOS and iOS. It was released in 2014, and soon it topped the charts as the favorite of developers. The app has enhanced various features of the iOS application development process.

Apple software like macOS, iOS, iPad, and watchOS use Swift in their development process. In previous times, developing a software application for iOS was a challenging task. The outcome was that the applications were crashing multiple times. Ever since Swift was introduced in the market, any iOS application development company has had various avenues of growth by making the entire process simple, fast, and secure.  

What benefits does iOS application development have from Swift

The reason why Swift stole all the spotlight is because of its ability to extend exception tools for the process of development. The speed is impeccable, enabling the interactivity level in the development of the application. It also proves helpful in the operation of documentation and structures for easy execution with natives. 

It is a perfect mix of Objective-C and C without having direct built-in compatibility for language C. Let us now understand in depth the benefits of Swift in the iOS development process:

Easy nature of coding:

One of the most significant benefits of adopting Swift is that it is easier to code than its market counterparts.an exceptional application can be developed.The app has enhanced various features of Swift has a unique syntax that is easier to write and read.

Swift is crisp and lessens the number of required code lines and thus making the process efficient by increasing speed. The language avoids the use of if/else statements by refraining from using encircled conditional statements like semicolons to end lines and brackets. 

The coding here is simplified as the functions utilize a list, This helps developers save a lot of time and keep in mind which code lines can be reused without editing. 


Swift offers a better pace of development as compared to Objective-C during its testing phase too. The cost factor also sees a reduction here.The usage of a single code impacts the speed of implementation as well.  

Open source:

The declaration in 2015 of Swift as an open platform helped it gain more popularity. Since the language became free, developers and small business owners who previously relied on website development services have benefited from it to save costs.

Swift, as an available language, can be customized as per the requirements. Tracking bugs are comparatively more straightforward, and upgrading the codes takes little time. Mobile applications are also highly customizable, and Apple ensures to incorporate community feedback to make relevant changes. 

Safety and stability:

The primary cause of worry for any developer and business owner is how safe the development process is. Swift is the perfect match for any iOS-related development process. It uses easy syntax, which helps developers make fewer mistakes, adding an extra layer of safety. Swift’s error handling and type capacity enable it to correct errors much faster. 

Developers can also benefit from the platform by reviewing the errors immediately. As the tracking capabilities are impeccable and it has a short feedback loop, the developers recover quickly. 

Effortless maintenance:

Swift as a programming language is free of dependencies, unlike Objective-C. This is the reason why developers prefer it. Since the language can be used without any dependencies, it is also easier to maintain. Swift amalgamates the two code file names header (.h) and the implementation files (.m) in a standalone code file (.swift) to improve the efficiency of code and build time.

Since the developers have easier management, they get time to enhance the code’s quality and the application’s logic. This also does not need to synchronize the method name and comment between the files manually.

Should you choose Swift for iOS mobile app development services?

Swift has topped the ladder of popularity rather quickly. Keep in mind that it is preferred by all iOS developers in the current times. Top app development agencies in the USA like Zazz can help you with Swift too. The team at Zazz has a thorough knowledge of the language. They also have a designated team of experts dedicated to native and hybrid mobile application development.Â