Beijing announces sanctions against Pompeo and other Trump administration officials

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China on Wednesday imposed sanctions for violation of its “sovereignty” on nearly 30 officials of Donald Trump’s government, including its Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who will no longer be able to enter its territory, at the same time of the investiture of Joe Biden.

• Read also: Washington considers China committing “genocide” against Uyghur Muslims

“In recent years, anti-Chinese politicians in the United States have, out of selfish political interests and their prejudice and hatred against China, without any consideration for the interests of the Chinese and American peoples, planned, promoted and taken crazy measures “Said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement.

These actions amounted to “serious interference in Chinese internal affairs, undermined China’s interests, offended the Chinese people and seriously disrupted Sino-US relations,” he said.

As a result, “China has decided to sanction 28 people who have seriously violated its sovereignty and who have been primarily responsible for such US actions on issues related to China,” the statement said.

In addition to Mike Pompeo, are, among others, cited by Chinese diplomacy Peter Navarro, trade advisor to Donald Trump, Robert O’Brien, who was one of his national security advisers, Alex Azar, the outgoing Secretary of Health, as well as John Bolton and Stephen Bannon, who also advised the Republican billionaire.

All these personalities and members of their families will be denied access to Chinese territory, including Hong Kong and Macao, the foreign ministry said.

“They and the companies and institutions associated with them also cannot do business with China,” he added.

China on Wednesday mocked Mike Pompeo’s accusations that “genocide” is underway against Uyghur Muslims in its northwestern region of Xinjiang.

The Uyghur issue is one of the many points of friction between Beijing and Washington with the Covid-19, Hong Kong and even Taiwan. A confrontation to which the outgoing US Secretary of State will have given the appearance of a new Cold War.

According to foreign experts, more than a million Uyghurs are or have been detained in political re-education camps in Xinjiang.

The future ministers of Joe Biden in turn displayed their firmness against China on Tuesday to silence accusations of weakness.

“We can win the competition with China,” said the next Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the start of the process of confirmation, by the Senate, of the members appointed by the new president to be part of his cabinet.

Picking up a rhetoric dear to Donald Trump and his followers, he described the rival superpower as the country which launches the United States “the most important challenge”.

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