A planning aspect of house construction is the installation of sanitary facilities. Large amounts of water and especially wastewater make good planning necessary to avoid later damage.
Therefore, it is particularly important not to save too much and to carry out the planning completely beforehand and to identify house-specific problem areas. ryobi sander pads this starts with the pipes and ends with the production of warm water. There is a lot to consider and sources of error are correspondingly diverse.
For this purpose, the following text provides an overview of the most important planning aspects and frequently occurring problems.
For structural reasons, the planning of houses must always be discussed with an architect. However, the design according to your own ideas and wishes is possible without problems. Therefore, house builders can also determine for themselves how many bathrooms there should be and where they should be located.
The equipment of the respective sanitary facilities can also be determined. In the case of practical devices, such as the technology for heating water, there is also a say and considerations are particularly recommended. Thus, there are many possibilities for co-determination and individual design for the house builder.
Table Of Contents
Installation of pipe systems
The importance of pipe systems cannot be overstated. They bring water, which is not only food, but also crucial for hygiene in the house. Thus, the supply of clean water is already of great importance. Proper drainage is also important. In this way, odors are avoided. In general, the pipes should be completely tight so that the walls are not damaged from the inside out and the expensive and complex water damage can be prevented.
The right material for pipes
Weighing the right pipe material is difficult. Health aspects should always play a major role, at least for the supply pipes, while stability and longevity are important for supply and disposal. In addition, of course, the price always plays an important role, since the house construction itself ties up large amounts of money and the budget is limited. In general, however, the motto also applies here that saving at the beginning can be associated with high costs at a later date.
One of the best regulated foods in Germany is and remains tap water. Pollutants should not penetrate into the water as far as possible, and until the water reaches the private pipes, this also succeeds. However, plastic pipes are quickly suspected of contributing smaller amounts of pollutants. By detaching the smallest particles, the water is often minimally changed. However, legal requirements for permitted total quantities are rarely exceeded.
Advantages are usually also in the price and weight of the installation. Copper pipes are used quite rarely and also cause problems with added materials. However, the amounts of copper that are secreted are also quite harmless.
In addition, after some time, a layer forms on the inside of the pipes. However, this layer is protective and ensures that there are no impurities from the copper. However, delayed insertion is particularly problematic in the first year of use. Therefore, copper pipes are no longer preferred to plastic pipes today.
Installation of a domestic water distribution system
In order for the water to arrive in the house and be filtered further, domestic water distributors are often used. These can be combined with other devices and regulate the water supply. Counting the used water is also associated with domestic water distributors. House builders cannot avoid the installation of a domestic water distributor. However, this can be combined with filters or has built-in filters. As a rule, certain fine filters are installed. These ensure that the already clean water increases in quality once again.
By installing lime filters and water softeners externally, the water can also be filtered further. However, in order not to make the supply completely dependent on these additional filters, some domestic water distributors also offer replacement connections to direct the water around the filters in the event of a problem. Domestic water distributors offer benefits by avoiding water reflux. If the water remains in the pipe or is even pushed back by errors in one of the connected devices, it is not possible to drain it into a drain pipe.
However, the discharge against the flow direction would represent a dangerous load through the pipes, since the incoming water is provided with pressure. Therefore, the backstops are an important aspect to prevent water damage and weakened pipes. However, not only are additional filters installed in the system, but at the same time the control of individual pipes is also made possible. Domestic water distributors make it possible to stop the entire inflow of water.
Hot water supply by electric hot water generator
The possibilities of hot water production are now very versatile. Classically, water boilers and large boilers were used for this purpose. They are still used today, but are very space-consuming and require appropriate pipes. Warm water is therefore often produced with the help of gas or oil. This is used either in instantaneous water heaters or hot water tanks or boilers for heating.
Here, the dependency on a corresponding connection is a problem. best drum floor sander when building a house, however, the central supply can certainly happen with it. Electronic hot water generators offer completely different advantages. They can be installed both centrally and decentrally independent of lines. Especially the decentralized use reduces the heat losses within the pipes. In house construction, however, central solutions make sense.
In addition, many variants are also designed as hot water storage tanks at the same time. This allows the supply of larger amounts of water even with simultaneous use in the house. There are also smaller versions that can be used at small independent water outlets.
Final conclusion
As a house builder, there are unfortunately and fortunately at the same time enormous possibilities to plan sanitary facilities in the house and install them later. The possibilities of variation can therefore be weighed against the actual use and the required capacities. However, the price should always play a decisive role – by no means everything that is technically possible is also recommended in a specific case.
Sanitary installations in the house are something like the germ cells of the house, since they are constantly in use. Meanwhile, materials and combined systems are available that enable a clean and safe use of water. Depending on the type of building and year of construction, but also depending on the infrastructure of the house, a previous expert consultation is recommended.
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