August 8: Strict bans on Ermolaev day

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On August 8, 2020 (July 26, old style), the people honor the memory of St. Hermolaus of Nicomedia


Nicomedian martyrs – there were many of them who suffered for the faith. Nicomedia in the IV century was ruled by Maximilian, a cruel ruler, fanatically devoted to the pagan gods. One day in 302, Christians gathered in the church of Nicomedia. Maximilian demanded from them sacrifice to the pagan gods, but the Christians refused him. And then the temple was burned along with the people who came there. Twenty thousand Christians suffered then for their faith, and only Ermolai, Ermippus and Ermokrat managed to escape from the burning church.

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They taught their neighbors the faith of Christ not far from Nicomedia. One day, Ermolai met a young pagan, to whom he began to explain that pagan beliefs are false. The young man, and he turned out to be the one who in the future would be called the holy martyr Panteleimon, who accepted the teachings of Hermolaus, was soon seized by the pagans. And after him all three teachers of the faith of Christ were taken. They refused to deny Christ even on pain of death. And then Maximilian sentenced them to death.

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Women on this day were not allowed to work in the field, sewing and knitting were prohibited – it was believed that the one who disobeys would be unhappy in marriage.

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Beliefs and signs:

On this day, the collection of apples began, but it was forbidden to eat them until the apple salvation, the collection of potatoes, which had begun the day before, continued.

On Yermolai, it was believed that the abundant morning dew would wash the herbs and nourish them with strength, so by lunchtime the medicinal herbs were actively collected and dried.

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What the coming day has in store for us – August 8

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