August 17: Strict bans on Avdotya Robinovka Day

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On August 17, 2020 (August 4, old style), the people celebrate the day of the Venerable Martyr Evdokia


On August 17, the people celebrate the Day of Avdotya the Robin, who lived on the territory of the Roman Empire in the 4th century. She came from the nobility and professed Christianity. However, by the will of fate, Avdotya was held captive among many thousands of other Christians who were persecuted. Remaining in captivity, Avdotya continued to serve the Christian faith. Moreover, she converted many gentiles to Christianity. When the ruler became aware of this mission, Avdotya was tortured for a long time and then publicly executed. In Russia, the Day of Remembrance of the Martyr Avdotya was named Malinovka, (Cucumber, Senognoyka). These names were born from the traditions associated with the collection of raspberries, cucumbers and the rotting of hay due to frequent rains during this period.

Dos and Don’ts 17 August 2020

It is forbidden to lend money on Avdotya. You cannot take money from someone yourself. In the old days, it was believed that a poor life awaits those who break these prohibitions. Any new business started on August 17th can end badly, so it is a good idea to focus on old unfinished issues.

Beliefs and signs:

In the old days it was believed that the weather in November depends on what the weather will be on August 17. Therefore, they waited for the warmth that day so that early frosts did not happen. At Avdotya, great importance was attached to the collection of raspberries, because in Russia it was highly valued not only as a berry from which jam was made, but also as a means of combating diseases.

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