Applicants are not ready to get vaccinated against COVID-19 to go to work

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Applicants are not ready to get the COVID-19 vaccine in order to go to work. This is the conclusion reached by the researchers. The survey was attended by representatives of the Ryazan region and other regions of the Central Federal District.

About testing

23% of working respondents from Central Russia reported that their employer organized testing of all employees for coronavirus, another 20% of respondents said that testing is selective. In most cases, the organization pays for the tests, 13% of employees are doing worse – they have to do the test for their own money.

Vaccine safety

Only 8% of applicants expressed the opinion that it is safer to vaccinate before the end of the vaccine trials, 68% hold the opposite point of view, the rest were at a loss to answer.

“It is interesting that most of those who are confident in the safety of an untested vaccine are among the working personnel, and least of all among the representatives of science and education,” explained Anna Buslova, head of the HeadHunter press service for the Volga region.

About vaccination

21% of respondents trust the Russian vaccine, 24% – imported, if the vaccine proves its effectiveness. 30% said that they would definitely not be vaccinated, the rest did not know yet.

Domestic vaccine is more often chosen by representatives of the security sector and workers, foreign – IT specialists and marketers / advertisers. Bank employees and administrative personnel are most likely to refuse the coronavirus vaccine

22% of telecommuting applicants agree to be vaccinated against coronavirus in order to walk safely to the office. Another 64% are not ready for this, the rest found it difficult to answer.

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