Another 30 coronavirus vaccination points opened in Moscow

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Another 30 additional COVID-19 vaccination sites were opened in Moscow, their total number increased to 100. This was announced on Thursday, January 14, by the deputy mayor of the capital for social development Anastasia Rakova.

“Today, 30 new coronavirus vaccination centers are starting to work – you can sign up for them from yesterday. By opening new points and optimizing the work of the previously existing ones, we have more than doubled the capacity so that everyone who wants to can get vaccinated without queues at a convenient time. <...> We invite citizens to the procedure, because only vaccination will help us finally cope with the pandemic, “Rakova said.

Thus, 12 vaccination points have been opened in the Southern Administrative District, 11 each in ZAO, Northern Administrative District, Southern Eastern Administrative District and Southern Western Administrative District, 10 each in North Eastern Administrative District, Central Administrative District and Eastern Administrative District, 7 in North Western Administrative District, 4 in TinAO, and 3 in ZelAO.

You can sign up for a vaccination on the and portals, through the mobile applications My Moscow, Moscow State Services, EMIAS.INFO, as well as by calling the vaccination point and through information kiosks in the city’s polyclinics. You can get vaccinated daily from 08:00 to 20:00.

To get vaccinated against coronavirus, you need a passport and an OMS policy, and for workers in industries, a document is also required that confirms the fact of working in Moscow in the relevant industry (for example, a certificate from the place of work).

Earlier in the day, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin urged Muscovites not to postpone the decision to vaccinate against the coronavirus in order to quickly form a collective defense against the virus and return the city to normal life.

In Moscow, vaccination started on December 5. Citizens are vaccinated with Sputnik V. It was developed by the Gamaleya Center and became the first vaccine against this virus in the world and in Russia.

Up-to-date information on the situation with the coronavirus is available on the websites of stopcoronavirus.rf and access vsem.rf, as well as by the hashtag #WeVotre. Coronavirus hotline: 8 (800) 2000-112.

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