TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov, on the air of Soloviev Live, called for a purge in the Russian law enforcement agencies after massive attacks on himself and some Russian journalists covering the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. Soloviev noted that he, Alexander Kots and Sergei Karnaukhov are Russian citizens, and they are only interested in the national interests of Russia. And everything they say is how they see these interests.
“So that you don’t screech, squeak, knock, or clatter, or knives… It won’t change,” Soloviev flared up. Solovyov has a question for law enforcement agencies – whose interests are they protecting? “These diasporas or Russians?” – the TV journalist addressed the audience.
“Then this is a subject for serious cleaning,” – stressed Soloviev. And then wait for the reaction. He believes that in this way it is possible to find out where, in what sphere, and in which bodies the lobbies of foreign states work. And if it turns out that the money is taken by Russian officials, then they should be imprisoned under the article of treason, the showman believes.
Earlier, Solovyov said that threats from some users are directed at him, and they are connected with the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh between Armenia and Azerbaijan.