An unknown green liquid got into the Moscow River from the sewer

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A green liquid of unknown origin arrives at the Moskva River. About this on Monday, October 12, writes TASS, citing a source in the emergency services.

“In the area of ​​Prechistenskaya embankment, green liquid enters the Moskva River through a drain. Employees of Mosvodostok are working at the site, who take water samples, ”said the agency’s source.

He clarified that according to preliminary data, the liquid flows out of the sewer.

A boat of the Moscow City Search and Rescue Service is also on duty at the site.

The State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodostok confirmed reports of liquid entering the reservoir.

“The employees have left, there is a fact of the discharge. We work on site, ”REN TV quotes the company’s message.

On September 25, it became known that the Moscow Region will receive additional funds in the amount of 646 million rubles for the rehabilitation of the Volga River. The region will accelerate the construction and reconstruction of treatment facilities. Within the framework of the federal project “Rehabilitation of the Volga”, it is planned to improve the condition of the river by reducing the volume of polluted wastewater entering the reservoir.

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