An infectious disease specialist named the scale of vaccination needed to stop the pandemic

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It is possible to stop the COVID-19 epidemic if three-quarters of the population is vaccinated in a short time. This was announced on January 11 by the President of the International Association of Specialists in the Field of Infections, former chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for infectious diseases, Irina Shestakova.

“If there is an epidemic, any absolutely – bacterial, viral – and if during an epidemic we vaccinate 50 percent or less of the population, then we will not stop the epidemic. This has always been dogma. Therefore … to stop the epidemic, we must have about three quarters of the population vaccinated, “RIA Novosti quoted her as saying.

Shestakova stressed that with a long vaccination, by the time it ends, those whose immunity has ended will arrive, so it is necessary to quickly create an immune layer. She also recalled that no one knows how long the effectiveness of the vaccine will last.

In the Russian Federation, large-scale vaccination in all regions began on December 15. Citizens are offered to be vaccinated with Sputnik V, developed by specialists from the Gamaleya Center. It became the first coronavirus vaccine in Russia and the world; it was registered on August 11. The final vaccine efficiency was 91.4%, in severe cases – 100%.

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