An infectious disease specialist admits an increase in the infectiousness of the coronavirus in five years

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Coronavirus infection will become more contagious in five to seven years, but it will cause fewer complications. This was stated on December 22 by the infectious disease specialist Yevgeny Timakov.

“Viruses are constantly mutating, and the coronavirus is no exception. But he has these mutations not so pronounced, not so significant in terms of changing his genome. But they change the properties of the virus “, – quotes the physician” RIA Novosti “.

Timakov emphasized that the virus needs to survive in the external environment without killing its host.

Speaking about the new mutation of the coronavirus identified in the UK, the specialist drew attention to the fact that there is no data on a more complex course of the disease, despite the increase in contagiousness.

On December 14, UK Health Minister Matt Hancock announced that a new, mutated variant of the coronavirus had been identified in the country. At that time, about 1,000 infections with the new strain were noted in the south of the country.

As the Prime Minister of the country Boris Johnson said, a new strain of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 identified in the south of Great Britain is more infectious. According to the politician, the initial signs of the spread of the new variant of the virus indicate that it is 70% more infectious than the original strain.

Against the backdrop of this news, a number of countries announced the suspension of flights with the United Kingdom, including Russia.

In addition, a new strain of COVID-19 has been found in a number of other countries, notably the Netherlands, Australia, Denmark and Italy.

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