An albino fox settled in “Kostroma Sloboda”

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Employees of the Kostroma Museum of Wooden Architecture a few weeks ago were extremely surprised by the appearance of a new regular visitor in their “Kostroma Sloboda” – an animal that they initially took for a polar fox because of the white color of its fur.

However, upon closer examination, it turned out that this animal is a fox (more precisely, even a young fox), which, most likely, did not have a relationship with its relatives due to a genetic anomaly – the absence of the melanin pigment that gives the color of the fox’s hair. As a result, the albino fox began to visit people who did not drive the animal away, but, on the contrary, began to feed it.

Now the fox behaves in a friendly manner towards people, but does not let it close to itself, and biologists are thinking of somehow catching the fox and placing it in the zoo, since there is no certainty that the fox rejected by relatives and accustomed to people the animal will be able to independently survive the winter in the forest. And for the Kostroma zoo, albino foxes could become one of the highlights that attract visitors.

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