An Alameda Police Officer Used His Knee to Pin Down Mario Gonzalez

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Heavyset with thick arms, Mr. Gonzalez began to cry out and protest as the officers told him to stop resisting. Twelve minutes and 15 seconds into the encounter, the officers brought him to the ground and began holding him there, facedown, pulling his arms back.

Two minutes and nine seconds later, he cried out in pain as they apparently handcuffed him. “Mario, we need you to stop resisting us,” one of the officers said. “OK?”

A half-minute later, with Mr. Gonzalez handcuffed, the officers ask what to do next, and decide, as one puts it, to “just keep him pinned down.”

An officer then appeared to push heavily on Mr. Gonzalez as he stood, placing his knee on Mr. Gonzalez’s upper back, his foot visibly off the ground. In Mr. Chauvin’s trial, a respiratory physiology expert singled out a similar moment when the officer’s full weight was bearing down on Mr. Floyd.

“Oh my gosh,” Mr. Gonzalez groaned. As they appeared to keep up the pressure, they asked again for his birthday; Mr. Gonzalez, who could barely talk, whimpered, “Libra.”

Not long after, they realized he was unresponsive and rolled him onto his side, then his back, before beginning chest compressions. “Mario! Mario! Wake up!” they cried.

The analysis of the body camera footage by The Times showed that Mr. Gonzalez appeared to be on the ground for 5 minutes 5 seconds. The officers applied some form of pressure on his back for 2 minutes 50 seconds.

The pressure, the analysis showed, happens largely for a few seconds at a time, though one of the officers appeared to keep a knee on the upper right side of his back for all of the 2 minutes 50 seconds they were applying pressure on him.

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