All developments in the COVID-19 pandemic

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Whether in Quebec or elsewhere on the planet, the COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting our lives.

Here you will find all the news throughout the day related to this crisis affecting the population, governments and the economy.



Case: 40 280 824
Death: 1 116 167


Case: 200 039, 94 429 in Quebec
Death: 9772, 6044 in Quebec

United States

Case: 8 206 525
Death: 220,046


19:34 | Resources from the Red Cross will help the staff of the CHSLD de Lac-Mégantic in the coming days, an establishment heavily affected by a COVID-19 outbreak.

7:11 pm | The number of outbreaks increased in Alma, Lac-Saint-Jean, on Monday.

6:59 pm | After the mayor of Granby, it is the turn of the users’ committee of La Haute-Yamaska ​​to demand the opening of a permanent screening center without an appointment in Granby.

6:59 pm | Affected like other sectors of activity by the COVID-19 pandemic, the entertainment industry must adapt and the recent virtual holding of a must-see cultural event in Eastern Quebec is one of them. example.

6:50 p.m. | Dining rooms in restaurants and bars will have to close again if the region falls into the red zone. Restaurant owners are already starting to prepare for it.


6:31 pm | A retirement home in the Jonquière borough in Saguenay is struggling with a major outbreak.

4:46 pm | The entire Irish population will be re-confined from Wednesday night to Thursday to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, with Ireland becoming the first EU country to take such a step, announced on Monday its Prime Minister Micheal Martin.

4:18 pm | Worried to note that the Capitale-Nationale has broken a new record in the number of COVID-19 contaminations, Régis Labeaume described the current situation as “serious”.

4:10 pm | We must not forget the air quality in the measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Quebec, supports microbiologist Amir Khadir.

15:48 | Driven by the reports unveiled in Quebec and Ontario, Canada officially crossed the 200,000 cases of COVID-19 milestone on Monday since the start of the pandemic.

3:30 p.m. | A Ukrainian influencer who doubts the existence of COVID-19 has died at age 33 from the disease.

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КОРОНАВИРУС “COVID”, ДЕНЬ 8 ⠀ Как вы все знаете из историй, я болею корлнавирусом. Сегодня, вернувшись домой, первый раз появился энтузиазм хотя бы что-то написать. Хочу поделиться, как я заболел и убедительно предостеречь всех: я тоже думал, что нет никоинкодоткот думал, что нет никоинкодоткот никоинкодоткот никоинкододо Пока сам не заболел. COVID-19 БОЛЕЗНЬ НЕ ЭФЕМЕРНАЯ! И тяжелая. Но обо всем по порядку. ⠀ Как это было? Плохо мне стало на второй день в Турции. Я проснулся среди ночи от того, что у меня отекла шея и было тяжело дышать. При этом немного побаливал живот. ⠀ На следующий день начал появляться кашель, но температуры никакой не было. Особых симптомов болезни тоже не было, поэтому я подумал, что это могут быть последствия после занятия спортом, смены климата и питания ну и плюс сон под кондиционером. ⠀ После возвращения из Турции я сразу же пошел сдавать разные анализы, делать УЗИ и на вушчианй слей на вуччианй слей пошел сдавать разные анализы, делать УЗИ и на вушчиалй слей на вуччинкий слей на вуччинкий слей на вуччинкий слей на вушчинкий Он оказался положительным😔 ⠀ На следующий день я поехал делать КТ. Мне назначили лечение и стали настаивать на госпитализации. Это отдельная история, потому что сейчас там идут ремонтные работы, больница полностью набита людьми, некоторые из них живут в коридоре😱😱 Питания никакого нет, бумаги нет, столовых приборов тоже нет! Меня никто об этом не предупреждал. Медицине в нашей стране будет посвящён отдельный пост – что уж там, она это заслужила. ⠀ ПРО ЛЕЧЕНИЕ. Мне назначили курс лечения и сказали, что нужно его продолжать. Дали кислородный аппарат для дыхания, так как у меня низкий уровень кислорода (хотя я считаю, критическим он считается после 90, 94-96 у меня же это вполне позволительно для лечения дома, врач в приемной мне сказал тоже самое😄). ⠀ ☝🏻Учитывая все эти факторы, я принимаю решение, что мне будет удобней и комфортней находиться на дистанционной опеке у себя дома, где у меня есть все условия для нормального лечения. В конце концов я всегда могу обратиться в нужные службы. Та и дома, как говорится, и стены лечат🙌🏻 ⠀ Мое состояние стабильное.

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3:27 pm | Unlike Quebec and Ottawa, which see no problem letting children spend Halloween despite the pandemic, Ontario recommends that children and their parents in regions most affected by the virus avoid the traditional candy drive.

3:25 pm | The Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Quebec (IUCPQ) will test a new drug against COVID-19.

3:10 pm | A fourth McDonald’s restaurant had to temporarily close its doors in less than a week in Montreal after employees were infected with COVID-19.

3:07 pm | The MRCs of Joliette and D’Autray, in Lanaudière, are going into the red zone, announces Minister Christian Dubé.

2:50 p.m. | The number of COVID-19 patients currently in intensive care in France exceeded 2,000 people on Monday, a threshold that had not been reached since May, according to official figures, which also report 146 deaths in 24 hours.

2:27 pm | The situation in Lac-Mégantic, in the Eastern Townships, is of increasing concern as the number of new cases of COVID-19 has increased considerably in recent days.

13:25 | Health Canada once again announced on Monday a recall of hand sanitizers containing products that pose a health risk.

12:49 | US President Donald Trump once again attacked Dr. Anthony Fauci, a highly respected figure in the United States and a member of the White House crisis cell on the coronavirus, on Monday.

11:39 am | An elementary school in Joliette in Lanaudière must close its doors for two weeks due to a major COVID-19 outbreak.

10:55 am | A walk-in, car-only COVID-19 screening center has been open since Monday morning in the parking lot of the Pierre-Charbonneau Center, near the Olympic Stadium, in eastern Montreal.

10:15 am | The closure of the Canada-U.S. Border to non-essential travel is extended until November 21 due to COVID-19, Canada’s Public Safety Minister Bill Blair confirmed on Monday.

8:00 am | Wales announced on Monday the introduction from Friday of a two-week lockdown in an attempt to curb the second wave of the novel coronavirus epidemic, thus introducing the toughest restrictions in the United Kingdom.

7:35 am | Iran on Monday recorded 337 more deaths linked to the new coronavirus, a daily record for the country which enters the eighth month since the announcement of its first cases of COVID-19.

6:15 am | More than 40 million cases of the new coronavirus have been officially recorded worldwide, according to a count made by AFP from official sources.

6:00 am | With an alarming death rate, The Institut de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec (IUCPQ) is struggling with unequal arms in the face of the virus to limit the dramatic consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak.

6:00 am | Containment and restrictions have opened the door to a significant increase in screen time among young people. “From single to double”, assesses a pediatrician who denounces the fact that screens often play the role of a “guard”.

Photo Didier Debusschère

6:00 am | The clinical course of COVID-19 is extremely variable from one person to another: while most infected people have no or very few symptoms, others develop, on the contrary, very serious complications that can lead to upon their death.

5:08 am | The number of residence permits issued almost halved in the first half of the year in the OECD, a situation “unprecedented”, underlines a report from the organization published on Monday, estimating that international migration in the area will be “exceptionally low” in 2020.

4h10 | Cafés and restaurants kept doors closed on Monday in Belgium, a restriction for at least a month considered dramatic by this sector of activity, and that the government has justified by the surge in coronavirus contamination figures.

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