After the intervention of the prosecutor’s office, money was allocated for the roof of the Kaluga orphanage

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After the intervention of the prosecutor’s office, money was allocated to repair the roof of an orphanage in the Kaluga region. According to the press service of the department, a presentation was made to the regional minister of labor and social protection of the population.

“Prosecutor of the region Konstantin Zhilyakov has personal control over the repair of the roof of the buildings of the State Budgetary Institution of the Kaluga Region” Center for Assistance to Family Education “Berega”. The roof of the building is in an unsatisfactory condition. The existing damage to the roof contributes to the destruction of ceilings, walls, the formation of mold, fungus, and leads to the impossibility of carrying out routine repairs, “- said in the message.

As a result of the measures taken, the orphanage was allocated over 8.5 million rubles for repairs. The orphanage is located in Kondrovo. 70 orphans live in the center.

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