AEB fears trade wars over discrepancies in carbon tax implementation

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The inconsistency of approaches to the introduction of a cross-border carbon tax by different countries is fraught with new trade wars. Ernesto Ferlenghi, Chairman of the Energy Committee and the Green Initiative coordination group of the Association of European Businesses (AEB), expressed this opinion in an interview with Izvestia.

“The big concern with the introduction of cross-border carbon regulation is due to the fact that not only the EU, but also the United States, and subsequently other countries, are beginning to think about their own legislation in this area. In the absence of a unified approach, this could lead to new trade wars, ”he stressed.

Currently, the European Union is working on the introduction of a carbon tax on imported products with high greenhouse gas emissions. It can affect about 40% of Russian exports. According to auditors from KPMG, if this tax is introduced only on direct greenhouse gas emissions, the burden for Russian exporters will amount to € 33.3 billion in 2025–2030.

“No one in Russia or any other country in the world likes new taxes – this is understandable. At the same time, it is important to understand that this regulation is not directed against companies from one state, ”Ernesto Ferlenghi acknowledged.

According to him, today the G20 countries are responsible for the production of 80% of global GHG emissions, and the new tax will become a problem only for those companies that do not pay attention to their carbon footprint. At the same time, the expert emphasized that against the background of Russia’s growing attention to the environment and “green development”, European transboundary carbon legislation will be an impetus for the transformation of production in the Russian Federation.

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