Activists of the Simferopol region invite to the mass landscaping of villages

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Last year, residents of the Simferopol region, together with village activists, in cooperation with local administrations, carried out a great deal of greening the territory of the Simferopol region. You can continue the work you have started this year as well.

More than 700 seedlings of paulownia felt, 1.5 thousand seedlings of small-leaved linden, as well as several hundred seedlings of chestnuts and oaks were planted. Some activists took home Korean cedar and fir seedlings for growing. An offer was received to continue the work begun.

– In order to make our area even more green and flourishing, and I propose to systematize the work to organize a network of coordinators in each settlement, – said an employee of the Simferopol district administration Lilia Didenko. – The settlement coordinator can organize a network of green volunteers from different villages in his settlement. The responsibilities of the coordinator will include compiling a list of places where it is planned to plant a particular seedling on the streets of their villages.

These can be parks, squares, green areas, areas near children’s and sports grounds, areas of kindergartens and schools, hospitals, clubs, houses of culture, areas near various water bodies, along sidewalks and roads.

This list of places will be agreed with the head of the settlement and transferred to the administration to form a single list of seedlings necessary for landscaping the area. The general application of the district should be formed by August 2021. After that, an application will be made to the appropriate nurseries on the mainland. Upon receipt of a single parcel with plants for the entire district, the seedlings will be disassembled separately for each settlement, and the coordinator will have to distribute them to volunteers in the field or independently plant them with photo / video fixation to draw up a report.

“Also, coordinators and volunteers (residents of the Simferopol region) can now join the work on growing their own seedlings,” adds Lilia. – If you have a piece of land where you can grow something, then I can share with you the seeds of cedars (our Crimean: Atlas and Lebanese, paulownia, mountain ash, spruce, etc.), as well as now you can put on cuttings spirea (Japanese and gray), a little later there will be a budley. Anyone can join. You can contact me through the social network “Facebook” Lilia Didenko