Acting Governor of Kaluga Region promised Putin to resolve construction issues

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Russian President Vladimir Putin drew the attention of the interim governor of the Kaluga region Vladislav Shapsha to the problematic issues of the construction sector. He announced this during a working meeting via videoconference on September 7.

“He (the construction complex. – Ed.) In the whole country is experiencing quite serious difficulties <...>. But in the Kaluga region, the decline in this sector of the economy is a little more than in the country as a whole, it is necessary to pay attention to this and support the builders, ”the president noted.

Shapsha reported that all large facilities for which federal budget funds have been allocated are actively being built: the Sports Palace in Kaluga, the campus of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, the final part of the car tour of the regional center, which is planned to be completed by the end of 2022.

“We have serious plans for housing construction. This year we will build at least 810 thousand square meters. m. All the indicators of the national project for the construction and resettlement of people from the emergency housing stock are being fulfilled, “Shapsha said.

He also said that about 4.5 thousand people will have to be resettled by 2025. According to the head of the region, this work will be completed ahead of schedule, in two years.

In addition, the Acting Governor of the region said that at the end of this year the difficulties of 12 problematic objects of shared construction will be solved, and next year – the remaining 12.

Shapsha asked the president to consider helping the regional budget to solve problems in the construction area – this will require 2 billion rubles until 2024.

He stated that the targets for housing construction set for the Kaluga region in terms of per capita are among the highest in the country.

The President, for his part, promised support to the region.

Earlier, on August 20, Izvestia reported that the Kaluga region received 600 million rubles from the budgets of various levels within the framework of the state program “Comprehensive development of rural areas in the Kaluga region.”

These funds will be used for social payments to 25 families for the construction and purchase of housing. Agrarians will be reimbursed for a third of the costs of wages and living expenses of 485 students of specialized universities who are undergoing industrial practice in the farms of the region. In addition, 138 improvement projects will be implemented.

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